Information om Amerikansk Cockerspaniel från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för amerikansk cocker spaniel / Pedigree for american cocker spaniel
Efter/Sire: SE UCH Fiddle-Stick's Makes M'mad
Undan/Dam: Disodil's Wish Upon A Star

SE UCH Fiddle-Stick's Makes M'mad Fiddle-Stick's Who Did That Fiddle-Stick's That's It Fiddle-Stick's Miles Ahead NO UCH INT UCH Marquis Fiddler On The Roof
Triplemint's Modern-Millie
Fiddle-Stick's My-Own-Chose Syringa Chosen-Highway
Marquis Born to Queen
Willow-Wind Frandee's Max Factor US CH Marquis Commander Cody
US CH Frandee's Flurry
Fiddle-Stick's Borntobe-Alive NO UCH Triplemint's Maraccas
Fiddle-Stick's Born-Ontheroof
Triplemint's Modern-Millie NO UCH Triplemint's Maraccas Erskin US CH Dreamridge Domineer
Charka Star Night
Triplemint's Souvenir-Girl NO UCH Ga-Bark S Bombay Souvenir
Brigadoon Indian Moccasin
Marquis Rebecca US CH Marquis Here Comes Trouble US CH Frandee's Declaration
US CH Windsong's Sonata
Marquis Misletoe Sonata's Holiday Caper
US CH Feinlyne Friezee
Disodil's Wish Upon A Star Disodil's Absolutely My Wish INT UCH Cavatinas Goldisocks NO UCH US CH Butch's Irresistable Imp US CH Rinky Dink's Sir Lancelot
Cornwells Cricket
Bonnets American Amazon Bonnets American Achilles
Bonnets American Aha
LP Disodil's Evening-Wow NO UCH SE LCH LP Charka Evening-Star NO UCH Ga-Bark S Bombay Souvenir
Mittina Clementine
SE UCH NO UCH SE LCH LP NO LCH Triplemint's Taste-Of-Honey NORD UCH INT UCH US CH Bobwin's I'm Tops
Ekhorst Am Alabama Moonshine
Disodil's Charisma-Face NO UCH SE LCH LP Charka Evening-Star NO UCH Ga-Bark S Bombay Souvenir US CH Uhlwin Unavailable
US CH Ga-Bark's Baroda
Mittina Clementine US CH Cholseys Orients Secret Pleasure
Mittina Tribal Queen
LP Disodil's First-Stanza NO UCH Chicos Urazzo Charmin Prince NO UCH INT UCH Cobbs Red Jacket
Ramblers Good-Luck
SE UCH NO UCH SE LCH LP NO LCH Triplemint's Taste-Of-Honey NORD UCH INT UCH US CH Bobwin's I'm Tops
Ekhorst Am Alabama Moonshine Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-05 / Page updated 5 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025