Information om Amerikansk Cockerspaniel från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för amerikansk cocker spaniel / Pedigree for american cocker spaniel
Efter/Sire: SE V-94 Charles Dickens Mad Max
Undan/Dam: Giffels Angela Channing

SE V-94 Charles Dickens Mad Max SE UCH Fiddle-Stick's Makes M'mad Fiddle-Stick's Who Did That Fiddle-Stick's That's It Fiddle-Stick's Miles Ahead
Fiddle-Stick's My-Own-Chose
Willow-Wind Frandee's Max Factor
Fiddle-Stick's Borntobe-Alive
Triplemint's Modern-Millie NO UCH Triplemint's Maraccas Erskin
Triplemint's Souvenir-Girl
Marquis Rebecca US CH Marquis Here Comes Trouble
Marquis Misletoe
Speedwagon's Mothers Little Helper NO UCH Carillo Art of Noise Speedwagon's From A Jack to A King Triplemint's Magic-Moon
NO UCH INT UCH Triplemint's Merrygait
NO UCH Ice Star Von Mein Heim US CH Burson's Style Master
Breeze Ice-Crystal
NO V-91 NO UCH Speedwagon's Forever Young Triplemint's Magic-Moon NO UCH Ga-Bark S Bombay Souvenir
Ekhorst Am Alabama Moonshine
NO UCH INT UCH Triplemint's Merrygait NO UCH INT UCH Marquis Fiddler On The Roof
Marquis Rebecca
Giffels Angela Channing NO UCH Speedwagon's Prime Time Fiddle-Stick's Who Did That Fiddle-Stick's That's It Fiddle-Stick's Miles Ahead
Fiddle-Stick's My-Own-Chose
Willow-Wind Frandee's Max Factor
Fiddle-Stick's Borntobe-Alive
NO V-91 NO UCH Speedwagon's Forever Young Triplemint's Magic-Moon NO UCH Ga-Bark S Bombay Souvenir
Ekhorst Am Alabama Moonshine
NO UCH INT UCH Triplemint's Merrygait NO UCH INT UCH Marquis Fiddler On The Roof
Marquis Rebecca
Mistily's Tan Temptation Disodil's Iso Grifo US CH Dreamridge Double Talk US CH Dreamridge Dandiman
US CH Dreamridge Dateline
SE LCH LP Disodil's Guess My Name INT UCH Cavatinas Goldisocks
LP Disodil's Evening-Wow
Triplemint's Apple Annie Triplemint's Great-Mix NO UCH Triplemint's Maraccas
Gaity Girl of Akita
Marquis Rebecca US CH Marquis Here Comes Trouble
Marquis Misletoe Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-05 / Page updated 5 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025