Information om Amerikansk Cockerspaniel från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för amerikansk cocker spaniel / Pedigree for american cocker spaniel
Efter/Sire: SE V-98 SE UCH FI UCH NORD UCH US CH Doggone Black to The Future
Undan/Dam: EUW&KBH V-97 SE V-97 SE V-99-00 SE UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Caci's Corvette

SE V-98 SE UCH FI UCH NORD UCH US CH Doggone Black to The Future US CH Westglen Blak-Gammon US CH Westglen Blak-A-Tak ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
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ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
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US CH Canyon Convicted of Forgery ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
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Doggone Black at Noon US CH Glenmurray's High Noon US CH Camelot's Counterfeit US CH Frandee's Forgery
US CH Camelot's Confetti
Glenmurray's High Point US CH Frandee's Get The Point
US CH Glenmurray's Highland Caper
US CH Doggone Black in A Flash ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
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EUW&KBH V-97 SE V-97 SE V-99-00 SE UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Caci's Corvette NO UCH Troupers Agent Cooper NO UCH INT UCH Whisborne Manstyle Cornerstones B.bestman NO UCH INT UCH US CH Mica's Baron of Brooklands
US CH Cajuns Cobb L Stone
NO UCH Whisborne Black Pearl NO UCH Tidlösa Toblerone
NO UCH Whisborne Hokus Pokus
NO UCH Speedwagon's No Way Back NO UCH Carillo Art of Noise Speedwagon's From A Jack to A King
NO UCH Ice Star Von Mein Heim
NO UCH Speedwagon's Follow My Heart Triplemint's Magic-Moon
NO UCH INT UCH Triplemint's Merrygait
Fielgar Just Pure Gold US CH Amere Fast Forward to Fielgar US CH Hu-Mar's Go For The Gold US CH Palm Hill Caro-Bu's Solid Gold
US CH Palm Hill Hu-Mar's Wild Fire
Hannans Amere Light Dancer US CH Cottonwood Congressman
Amere Star Shine
Ps Thirty Minutes of Wondrful at Fi US CH Barcrest Durspen's Mccue's Kio US CH Durspen's Revilo Giorgio
US CH Barcrest Durspen's Mary Kay
US CH P S Like A Candle in The Wind US CH Hu-Mar's Go For The Gold
US CH Osage's Stop The Presses Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-05 / Page updated 5 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025