Information om Amerikansk Cockerspaniel från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för amerikansk cocker spaniel / Pedigree for american cocker spaniel
Efter/Sire: SE UCH FI UCH US CH Taylor N Tejas Tabasco Red
Undan/Dam: SE UCH Alheims Texas Tearose

SE UCH FI UCH US CH Taylor N Tejas Tabasco Red US CH Linway's Idol Rich US CH Makkell's Matinee Idol US CH Artru Struck Gold ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
US CH Makkell's Ziegfield Girl ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
US CH Bittersweet's Linway US CH Hu-Mar's Go For The Gold US CH Palm Hill Caro-Bu's Solid Gold
US CH Palm Hill Hu-Mar's Wild Fire
Linway's Bittersweet Chuntney ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
US CH Taylor N Cobb's Denim N Lace US CH Cobb's Buckskin Wind Chimes Gold N' Bold ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
US CH Cajun's Lydia B ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
US CH Cobb's Keshia US CH Cobb's Red Blazer ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
US CH Cobb's N'cajun Sister Kate ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
SE UCH Alheims Texas Tearose FI UCH INT UCH ES CH US CH Glenmurray's Dusty Miller US CH Glenmurray's Solid Black US CH Palm Hill Caro-Bu's Solid Gold Cottonwod Congressman
US CH Palm Hills Tiger Lily
US CH Glenmurray's Highland Caper ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
US CH Karga's Flashy Dancer US CH Doggone Newsflash ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
US CH Karga's Dance The Night Away ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Alheims Opportunity Alheims John-John US CH Cobb's Red Blazer US CH Artru Skyjack
US CH Cobb's Kathleen
Alheims Rambling Rose NO UCH INT UCH Cobbs Red Jacket
Alheims Buff Fancygirl
Alheims Gipsy-Girl Gina's Pieter J US CH Artru Skyjack
US CH Gina's Misty Dreamer
Alheims Buff Baby NORD V-82 Alheims Peter Pan
Alheims Buff Fancygirl Sidan uppdaterad 2024-08-19 / Page updated 19 Aug 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-08-12 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 12 Aug 2024