Stamtavla för amerikansk cocker spaniel / Pedigree for american cocker spaniel
NORD V-02-03 KBH V-05 NORD V-05 DK UCH INT&NORD UCH Caci's Comet
Hilight's Panda
NORD V-02-03 KBH V-05 NORD V-05 DK UCH INT&NORD UCH Caci's Comet
SE U(U)CH SM CH BR CH ES CH LU CH US CH Truly Yours Regency
FI UCH INT UCH ES CH US CH Glenmurray's Dusty Miller
US CH Glenmurray's Solid Black
US CH Palm Hill Caro-Bu's Solid Gold
US CH Glenmurray's Highland Caper
US CH Karga's Flashy Dancer
US CH Doggone Newsflash
US CH Karga's Dance The Night Away
ES CH Truly Yours Special Surprise
US CH Coleman's Magnificat
US CH Cin-Dee's Knight Lights
Kittcar's Peggy Sue
DK UCH INT UCH PT CH ES CH Truly Yours Special-Reserve
US CH Juniper's Just A Legacy
We-Sedso Ice Crystal
SE UCH Missya's My Mayoress
NO UCH Point Blanc New Kid On The Block
Cornerstones King of The Road
NO UCH INT UCH US CH Mica's Baron of Brooklands
US CH Cajuns Cobb L Stone
NORD V-95 SE V-93 NORD UCH INT UCH GB SHCH Sundust Thumbelina
GB SHCH US CH Jo-Bea's Diamond in The Ruf
GB SHCH Sundust Taboo
Caci's Coca-Cola Coco
Fielgar Moving On Out
US CH Amere Fast Forward to Fielgar
Ps Thirty Minutes of Wondrful at Fi
Caci's Coca-Cola Is It
Fiddle-Stick's Who Did That
Carillo American Pie
Hilight's Panda
NORD UCH Marvellous Mgm Grand
US CH Crazy Q's Cause A Riot
US CH Crazy Q's Quiet Riot
US CH Glenmurray's High Noon
US CH Waltann's Show N' Tell
US CH Crazy Q's Little Black Book
US CH Glenmurray's Solid Black
US CH Crazy Q's National Enquirer
FI UCH Ron-D's Glenda Murray
US CH Camelot's Counterfeit
US CH Frandee's Forgery
US CH Camelot's Confetti
US CH Glenmurray's High Society
US CH Glenmurray's Solid Black
Glenmurray's High Point
Caci's Carrera at Hilight
SE V-98 SE UCH FI UCH NORD UCH US CH Doggone Black to The Future
US CH Westglen Blak-Gammon
US CH Westglen Blak-A-Tak
US CH Canyon Convicted of Forgery
Doggone Black at Noon
US CH Glenmurray's High Noon
US CH Doggone Black in A Flash
SE UCH Caci's Cinderella
FI V-93 SE V-95 EE CH SE UCH FI UCH Doggone High Ya'll
US CH Glenmurray's High Noon
Doggone Buff-E-Nuff
Carillo American Pie
Speedwagon's From A Jack to A King
NO UCH Ice Star Von Mein Heim
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-05 / Page updated 5 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025