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Stamtavla för clumber spaniel / Pedigree for clumber spaniel
Efter/Sire: JWW-96 NORD V-97 SE V-98 Don's The Road King
Undan/Dam: SE U(U)CH NO UCH Schimo's Attention Don's

JWW-96 NORD V-97 SE V-98 Don's The Road King WW-96 SE V-96 WW-95 NORD UCH INT UCH NL CH Don's Blues Brother SE UCH INT UCH Welladays War-Lord NORD V-86 NORD UCH INT UCH Welladays Sunday Bloody Sunday NO UCH Clumbrolds Älskling
NORD UCH INT UCH Raycroft Siesta
NORD UCH INT UCH Welladays Wild-Delight NORD UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 NORD V-79 Clumbrolds Lille Buddha
NORD V-83 INT&NORD UCH Welladays Wilda-Matilda
SE UCH NO UCH Clumbrolds Buddhoir Blues NORD V-82 Clumbrolds Sportis Oldholbans Spark
NO UCH Raycroft Saucey
Clumbrolds Buddhapest NORD UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 NORD V-79 Clumbrolds Lille Buddha
Welladays Wiva-Sharif
Outline's Harley Davidson NORD V-84-85 NORD V-85 NORD UCH INT UCH US CH Welladays Wild-West NORD UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 NORD V-79 Clumbrolds Lille Buddha NO UCH Raycroft Stoker
Clumbrold S Marilyn S. Monroe
NORD V-83 INT&NORD UCH Welladays Wilda-Matilda NO UCH Clumbrolds Älskling
Topjoys Happy Returns
Galadhrim White Messenger Raycroft Sportsman GB SHCH Wydillon Geordie Starring of Clubow
GB SHCH Raycroft Sue Elle
Darnacan Little Freckle of Galadhri Scotch Mist at Belcrum
Trevabyn Treverva
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Schimo's Attention Don's EUW-96 NO UCH Latifa's Yesterday Man NO UCH Topjoys Wish Upon A Star GB SHCH Raycroft Socialite GB SHCH Raycroft Sunny Jim
GB SHCH Raycroft Society Girl
GB SHCH Topjoys Quest For A Star GB SHCH Clubow Stars and Stripes Atraycroft
GB SHCH Marshmarks Minnetonka of Topjoys
NO UCH Latifa's Brilliant Pearl NORD V-86 NORD UCH INT UCH Welladays Sunday Bloody Sunday NO UCH Clumbrolds Älskling
NORD UCH INT UCH Raycroft Siesta
Supertramp's Born-Sharif NORD V-84-85 NORD V-85 NORD UCH INT UCH US CH Welladays Wild-West
Clumbrolds Fröken Sharif
Don's Betty Blue SE UCH INT UCH Welladays War-Lord NORD V-86 NORD UCH INT UCH Welladays Sunday Bloody Sunday NO UCH Clumbrolds Älskling
NORD UCH INT UCH Raycroft Siesta
NORD UCH INT UCH Welladays Wild-Delight NORD UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 NORD V-79 Clumbrolds Lille Buddha
NORD V-83 INT&NORD UCH Welladays Wilda-Matilda
SE UCH NO UCH Clumbrolds Buddhoir Blues NORD V-82 Clumbrolds Sportis Oldholbans Spark
NO UCH Raycroft Saucey
Clumbrolds Buddhapest NORD UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 NORD V-79 Clumbrolds Lille Buddha
Welladays Wiva-Sharif Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-11 / Page updated 11 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024