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Stamtavla för cocker spaniel / Pedigree for cocker spaniel
Efter/Sire: SE VCH LV CH SE U(U)CH EE CH NORD JV-15 Haradwater Solar Eclipse
Undan/Dam: LV CH Art-Wave's On Thin Ice

SE VCH LV CH SE U(U)CH EE CH NORD JV-15 Haradwater Solar Eclipse GI CH PT CH US CH CA CH C.I.B. & C.I.E. Haradwater Nobleman GI CH PT CH Haradwater Make Me Dream Stocdale Automatic Party PT CH Stocdale Totally Automatic
Stocdale Last Butterfly
Haradwater Supreme Magic PT CH Stocdale Magic Player
PT CH Haradwater Forget Me Not
I'm Haradwater Silhouette of Black Setcolin Let's Do It ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Rommy of Black Milk ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Delicia Pavek's GB SHCH Lindridge Ticket to Ride GB SHCH Lindridge Star Turn Sorbrook Bucks Fizz
Lindridge Fragrantcloud
Lindridge Satin Doll Lindridge Fly High
Lindridge Blue Moon
Haradwater Stand By Me GI CH PT CH US CH CA CH C.I.B. & C.I.E. Haradwater Nobleman GI CH PT CH Haradwater Make Me Dream
I'm Haradwater Silhouette of Black
GI CH C.I.E. PT CH ES CH Haradwater Miss Congeniality Souvenir De Vaccares
Haradwater Lulu Is Back
LV CH Art-Wave's On Thin Ice GB SHCH Veratey Vincenzo at Cassom GB SHCH Lindridge Star Quest Terriles Taittinger Sorbrook Bucks Fizz
Terriles Thesee of Fyawenydd
Lindridge Orange Maid ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Veratey Verona at Cassom Cassom Rock Star ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Veratey Valentina ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Tipperlin Little Nell Tipperlin Torchwood Blueacre Star Quest Winterstale Status Quo
Blueacre Wine and Roses
Tipperlin Eachy Peachy Lynwater Rising Sun
Tipperlin Velvet Morning
Lynwater Sweet Nutmeg Coastline Happy Hour NORD V-03 KBH V-04 SE V-05 C.I.E. DK UCH DE CH Midnight Train Vom Rauhen Holz
Coastline Gift Rose
Lynwater Holly Time Lynwater Rising Sun
Lynwater Christmas Lilly Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-02 / Page updated 2 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025