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Stamtavla för cocker spaniel / Pedigree for cocker spaniel
Efter/Sire: SE U(U)CH Backhills For Your Eyes Only
Undan/Dam: SE VCH LPI SE LCH Fjärilens Marschmellow

SE U(U)CH Backhills For Your Eyes Only NORD V-03 KBH V-04 SE V-05 C.I.E. DK UCH DE CH Midnight Train Vom Rauhen Holz PT CH LU CH Stocdale Dragon's Sonata PT CH Lynwater Tiger Moth Harris of Lynwater
Lynwater Mayflay
Lulu's Back in Town From Duntarvie Lynwater Lewis of Quasar
Thanatol Blue Mist
VDH CH LU CH DE CH Blue Pearl Vom Rauhen Holz VDH CH DE CH Ramiro Vom Rauhen Holz Craigleith Fieldfare
VDH CH DE CH Hella Vom Rauhen Holz
Ilonka Vom Rauhen Holz VDH CH Chart Topper at Classicway
Frauke Von Der Pussta
SE V-07 SE U(U)CH SE V-03 NORD V-03 NO UCH Backhills Doris Day Travis Fool For You NO V-92 Travis Smile A While SE V-95 Lochdene Copper Kettle
Travis Billie Jean
SE V-92 Travis Fool's Game NO UCH Travis Tribute to Helenwood
Travis Foolish Pleasure
Stora Barnviks Blue Nun Rocket Cascade Normanview Cosmopolitan
Blue Sparkler
Stora Barnviks Amaretto Liecocks Double Agent
Travis Shining Star
SE VCH LPI SE LCH Fjärilens Marschmellow SE U(U)CH Love Cox's Passion For Chokolate Tomboys Another Chocolate SE UCH Tomboys Go Ahead SE UCH Tomboys Boot Jack
Westerner Good Day Sunshine
Tomboys Tripper Wire SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Tomboys Try to Night
SE UCH Tomboys Brown Betty Boop
Westerner Looking Lovely SE UCH Tomboys Always Chocolate Time Tomboys Another Chocolate
Tomboys Call Me Paula
Westerner Bright Evening Travis Let's Tango
Westerner China Flower
Fjärilens Curly Sue Örlidens Jubilee Marvellous Gift Kåpåsens Samiramis Lynwater Storm Wind
Kåpåsens Panache
Trippelline's Anna Sewell Bitcon Private Affair
Örlidens Barbra Streisand
SE VCH SE LCH LP Lynwater Another Secret Lynwater Eilean Lynwater Lewis of Quasar
Lynwater Silver Sixpence
Lynwater Secrets Out Lynwater Secret Service at Rancecra
Lynwater Cafe Au Lait Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-02 / Page updated 2 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025