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Stamtavla för flat coated retriever / Pedigree for flat coated retriever
Efter/Sire: SE UCH SE JCH Berolls Old Pal
Undan/Dam: SE UCH Micawbers Blue Midsummer Fly

SE UCH SE JCH Berolls Old Pal (s) SE UCH O'Flanagan Just Splendid (s) Pellagårdens Splendid (s) Tryggs Flash Rungles Jerome
SE UCH Claverdon Fantasia
SE LCH LP Puhs Rhapsody (s) Waterproof Mighty-Woodsman
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH SE JCH Twinkles Flying Flair (s)
NORD UCH Romayn Gypsophilla (s) Wyndhamian Christopher of Exclyst Heronsflight Tercel
Wood Lass
Halstock Ladybird Halstock Starturn
Halstock Dolores
Berolls Stargazing-Sissy (s) SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH O'Flanagan Road Runner (s) NO UCH Gunhills Gus Guy (s) GB CH Tonggreen Sparrow Boy
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH Downstream Ambleside Jill (s)
NO UCH FI UCH Gunhills Fiona (s) Justice of Klevagard
Gunhills Candide
Cinnamon Halloween Queen (s) NO UCH Melody-Maker (s) NO UCH Cinnamon Tailspinn Cocktail (s)
Kloppetiklopps Talk About Pigs
GB CH Ryshot Copper Ring'o Fire (l) GB CH Ryshot Copper Ablaze
GB CH Ryshot Idyll
SE UCH Micawbers Blue Midsummer Fly (s) SE UCH Kartegårdens Flipp-O (s) Famous Raving-Flip (s) NORD UCH INT UCH Celebrity of Ryshot (s) Wyndhamian Christopher of Exclyst
Shairelf of Ryshot
NORD UCH INT UCH Famous Famouscivic (s) NORD UCH INT UCH Celebrity of Ryshot (s)
NO UCH Twinkles Famous Fashion (s)
Kartegårdens Kartilia (s) SE UCH SE LCH Twinkle Floppy Clyde (s) Tryggs Flash
Antoinette (s) NO UCH Stolford Sepoy (s)
Donna Bella
SE UCH SE JCH Micawbers Bavaria-Blue (s) SE UCH NO JCH SE JCH Micawber (s) NORD UCH INT UCH Celebrity of Ryshot (s) Wyndhamian Christopher of Exclyst
Shairelf of Ryshot
SE JCH Hovhills Gradelylass (s) NORD UCH INT UCH Apports Mac Fraser
SE UCH Gemini (s)
SE UCH Biörkhedens Candlelight (s) Tryggs Flat (s) Rungles Jerome
SE UCH Claverdon Fantasia
Woodland Wistful (s) Kenstaff Whipster
Woodland Whinchat Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-30 / Page updated 30 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025