Stamtavla för flat coated retriever / Pedigree for flat coated retriever
Almanza Herald Tribune
Ryegate's Många Bäckar Små
Almanza Herald Tribune (s)
SE V-94 Almanza Darjeeling (s)
SE UCH INT UCH LU CH FR CH Branchalwood Lochdubh (s)
IE CH GB SHCH Shargleam Blackcap
GB CH Damases Tarquol of Ryshot
GB CH Yonday Willow-Warbler of Shargleam
GB SHCH Palnure Pride of Branchalwood
GB CH Tonggreen Squall
Branchalwood Linnhe
SE UCH Almanza Exotic Spice (s)
SE V-90-91-93 NO V-91 FI UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Almanza Larry O'grady (s)
Gunhills Ear of Esophagus (s)
Scarlet-O'hara (s)
SE UCH Almanza Forbidden Love (s)
Mountrose Gordon Eddie (s)
SE UCH Almanza Deep-Feeling (s)
Almanza Eleanore of Aquitania (s)
SE UCH NO UCH LP Almanza The First Chocolate Delight (l)
SE UCH Lucifer of Bramatha (s)
Bramatha Ticket
Stonemeade Grebe
Almanza Open Invitation (s)
NO UCH Bramatha Ticket to Ride (s)
SE UCH Almanza Deep-Feeling (s)
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Almanza Some Like It Hot (s)
SE UCH Meitas Sire-Micael (s)
SE UCH Puhs Sandras Loffe (s)
LP Hovhills Sensation-Girl (s)
Scarlet-O'hara (s)
NO UCH Puhs Raven (s)
Tar-Miriel (s)
Ryegate's Många Bäckar Små (s)
WW-98 NORD V-99 NORD UCH INT UCH Almanza Something to Talk About (s)
SE V-90-91-93 NO V-91 FI UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Almanza Larry O'grady (s)
Gunhills Ear of Esophagus (s)
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH Gunhills Criss-Cross (s)
Gunhills Little Ear of Maize (s)
Scarlet-O'hara (s)
NO UCH Puhs Raven (s)
Tar-Miriel (s)
NO UCH FI UCH US CH Almanza Exotic Tequila Sunrise (s)
SE UCH Lönning'go Carillo Caballero (s)
NO UCH Cariena's Fifteen-Eight (s)
NO UCH Ellebo's Kanni (s)
SE UCH Almanza Exotic Spice (s)
SE V-90-91-93 NO V-91 FI UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Almanza Larry O'grady (s)
SE UCH Almanza Forbidden Love (s)
SE VCH LP Va'vått Inga-Stina (l)
Lopplådans Stormstyrka (l)
SE UCH Lucifer of Bramatha (s)
Bramatha Ticket
Stonemeade Grebe
Lopplådans Stina-Storm (l)
SE UCH FI UCH SE JCH Gunhills Cheiron (l)
Lopplådans Plenty-Flea (s)
Crown Foresters Jewel-In-Crown (s)
Bramatha Copper Najinsky (l)
Norseman of Atherbram
Atherbram Ability
SE UCH Hovhills Treasure (s)
SE UCH SE JCH Hovhills Gambler-Man (s)
SE UCH Hovhills Kiss-Me-Quick (s)
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-30 / Page updated 30 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025