Stamtavla för flat coated retriever / Pedigree for flat coated retriever
Inkwells Chocolate Commander
SE U(U)CH Inkwells Guess My Name
Inkwells Chocolate Commander (l)
NORD V-02 SE U(U)CH NO UCH Almanza Chocolate Sergeant (l)
JWW-00 SE V-03 SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH Almanza Sharp Shooter (s)
Ryegate's Son of A Gun (s)
SE UCH Micawbers Blue Midsummer Fellow (s)
Ryegate's Naughty Nun On The Run (s)
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Almanza Playing With Fire (l)
NORD V-98 SE V-98 NO UCH GB CH Cariena's Thirtyfour-Four (s)
Almanza Exotic Fruit Daiquiri (s)
WW-96 FI V-97 DK UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Almanza Mad About Chocolate (l)
Almanza Dark Midnight Miracle (s)
O'Flanagan Black Kite (s)
Almanza Last Minute Miracle (s)
Almanza Hole in One (s)
Roy (s)
SE UCH Almanza Deep-Feeling (s)
SE JCH Inkwells Apricot Brandy (s)
SE UCH SE JCH Berolls Old Pal (s)
SE UCH O'Flanagan Just Splendid (s)
Pellagårdens Splendid (s)
NORD UCH Romayn Gypsophilla (s)
Berolls Stargazing-Sissy (s)
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH O'Flanagan Road Runner (s)
Cinnamon Halloween Queen (s)
Inkwells Pair of Purdey (s)
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Inkwells Krico Long Rifle (s)
SE UCH Almanza Life of Brian (s)
Inkwells Charmeuse-For-Inas (s)
SE UCH LP SE JCH Hovhills Chartreuse (s)
SE UCH FI UCH SE JCH Gunhills Cheiron (l)
SE UCH Hovhills Kiss-Me-Quick (s)
SE U(U)CH Inkwells Guess My Name (s)
Black Mica's A Mixed Recipe (s)
NO UCH Cariena's Twentythree-Eight (s)
SE UCH NO UCH Shargleam Sandpiper (s)
Pendlewych Piper
GB SHCH Withybed Country Maid of Shargleam
Cariena's Seventeen-Ten
Shargleam Treecreeper (s)
NO UCH Cariena's Seven-Ten
Boltiltorps Golden Mica (s)
SE V-90-91-93 NO V-91 FI UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Almanza Larry O'grady (s)
Gunhills Ear of Esophagus (s)
Scarlet-O'hara (s)
SE UCH NO JCH SE JCH Boltiltorps Cardamum (s)
SE UCH Almanza Dusty-Gunfire (s)
SE UCH Boltiltorps Tonic (s)
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Inkwells Beretta Mobilchoke (s)
SE UCH Almanza Life of Brian (s)
SE UCH Meitas Sire-Micael (s)
SE UCH Puhs Sandras Loffe (s)
LP Hovhills Sensation-Girl (s)
Scarlet-O'hara (s)
NO UCH Puhs Raven (s)
Tar-Miriel (s)
Inkwells Charmeuse-For-Inas (s)
NO UCH Bramatha Ticket to Ride (s)
GB SHCH Falswift Black Storm
Atherbram Ability
SE UCH LP SE JCH Hovhills Chartreuse (s)
SE UCH FI UCH SE JCH Gunhills Cheiron (l)
SE UCH Hovhills Kiss-Me-Quick (s)
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-30 / Page updated 30 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025