Information om Flatcoated retriever från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för flat coated retriever / Pedigree for flat coated retriever
Efter/Sire: EE CH FI UCH INT UCH Sniffens Metsävirna
Undan/Dam: FI UCH Flatts Ysatis Nina Ric

EE CH FI UCH INT UCH Sniffens Metsävirna SE UCH INT UCH LU CH FR CH Branchalwood Lochdubh (s) IE CH GB SHCH Shargleam Blackcap GB CH Damases Tarquol of Ryshot GB CH Tonggreen Sparrow Boy
Hallbent Contessa
GB CH Yonday Willow-Warbler of Shargleam Kenstaff Whipster
Claverdon Flapper
GB SHCH Palnure Pride of Branchalwood GB CH Tonggreen Squall Tonggreen Starling
GB CH Leahador Dusk of Tonggreen
Branchalwood Linnhe GB CH Wizardwood Sandpiper
Glendaruel Catriona
JEUW-91 EE CH FI UCH INT UCH Elvelege Finlandia (s) GB CH Shargleam Kestrel IE CH GB SHCH Shargleam Blackcap GB CH Damases Tarquol of Ryshot
GB CH Yonday Willow-Warbler of Shargleam
GB CH Shargleam Water Pipit Oakmoss Woodpecker of Shogun
Shargleam Bunting
GB SHCH Shargleam Willet of Elvelege Pendlewych Piper Tonggreen Storm Petrel
Larg Linnet of Pendlewych
GB SHCH Withybed Country Maid of Shargleam GB CH Tonggreen Squall
GB CH Shargleam Black Abby of Withybed
FI UCH Flatts Ysatis Nina Ric Gunhills Glenn Miller (s) Comics Tango (s) LP Lindcoly Beavercrest (s) GB CH Falswift Apparition
Downstream Jaffa of Lindcoly
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Madame-Mim (s) Kloppetiklopps What-A-Pig (s)
SE UCH INT UCH Cremona (s)
Gunhills Fröken Julie (s) NO UCH NORD V-85 Lady Doc's Natanael (s) Dexmoor (s)
NORD UCH INT UCH Lady Doc's Josefina (s)
Gunhills Persefone (s) Gunhills Orantes (s)
SE UCH Gunhills Afrodite (s)
Flatts Sarah S Ysatis ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
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ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-30 / Page updated 30 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025