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Stamtavla för flat coated retriever / Pedigree for flat coated retriever
Efter/Sire: GB SHCH NO V-15-16 SE V-13-14-15-16 FI V-12-15 EUW-15 & WW-17 C.I.E. SE U(U)CH & NO UCH Castlerock Simply Magic
Undan/Dam: Gunhills Jubileums Pingla

GB SHCH NO V-15-16 SE V-13-14-15-16 FI V-12-15 EUW-15 & WW-17 C.I.E. SE U(U)CH & NO UCH Castlerock Simply Magic (s) GB SHCH Calzeat Causa Commotion (s) NORD UCH INT UCH Toffedreams Micmac Pow-Pow (s) SE UCH NO UCH Comics Indian Crow (s) SE V-90-91-93 NO V-91 FI UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Almanza Larry O'grady (s)
Comics Cinderella (s)
SE V-00 FI V-01 NORD UCH INT UCH Toffedreams Stair Way to Heaven (s) SE V-00 NORD V-01 KBH V-01 FI V-01 NO UCH FI UCH Comics Acapulco (s)
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH O'Flanagan Imposant (s)
Huntermoon Female Intuition (s) Calzeat Center of Attention (s) NORD V-98 SE V-98 NO UCH GB CH Cariena's Thirtyfour-Four (s)
Calzeat Isabella of Lancaster (s)
Huntermoon Merlot (s) WW-02 NO V-02 NORD UCH Almanza Roundabout (s)
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Huntermoon Dressed in Copper (l)
GB SHCH Castlerock Magic Moment The Sorcerer's Apprentice From Jaev (s) GB SHCH Shiredale Magic and Mystery at Wist ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Fossdyke Keepsake at Jaeva ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Gayplume Classic Design at Castlero GB SHCH Gayplume Dream-Maker (s) GB SHCH Kenjo Black Mark
GB SHCH Gayplume Dixie
GB SHCH Gayplume Pure Style GB SHCH Cleovine Derrynane
GB SHCH Gayplume Fancy Free
Gunhills Jubileums Pingla (l) Calzeat Cappuccino (l) SE U(U)CH NO UCH Flatham's Malln Bårta Kalln (s) Toffedreams Turnaround (s) Almanza Fräck I Frack (s)
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH O'Flanagan Imposant (s)
Flatham's Göta Petter (s) Flatham's Top Terror Made in Norway (s)
SE UCH Flatham's Teskedsgumma (s)
Calzeat Brown As A Berry (l) High Hopes Jumping Baron (s) SE UCH Gunhills Greven Av Luxenburg (s)
Lopplådans Plenty of Jump (s)
SE U(U)CH Almanza Caroline of Brunswick (s) SE UCH NO UCH LP Almanza The First Chocolate Delight (l)
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Almanza Some Like It Hot (s)
Gunhills Creek Semoli (l) Flatterhaft Cinnamon (l) SE UCH DK UCH Workable's Janssons Frestelse (s) Roghöjdens Norske Ligist (s)
SE JCH Almanza Novisen Vid Spisen (s)
Björshults Kat-A-Strof (s) SE UCH Va'vått Vincent Vattenfall (s)
Shargleam Tayberry (s)
Gunhills Mary X-Mas Everybody (l) Almanza Fräck I Frack (s) NO UCH Cariena's Fifteen-Eight (s)
NO UCH Almanza Now Or Never (s)
SE UCH Gunhills Love Song (s) Gunhills Lucky-Lothar (s)
Gunhills Call Me Copper Love (l) Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-30 / Page updated 30 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025