Information om Flatcoated retriever från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för flat coated retriever / Pedigree for flat coated retriever
Efter/Sire: SE VCH RLD N&F&A SE RALLYCH LD STARTKLASS Glitterways Like CrÚmant
Undan/Dam: Dogleg's Swing Her Back to Sender

SE VCH RLD N&F&A SE RALLYCH LD STARTKLASS Glitterways Like Crémant (s) Mingus Umbra Fida (s) Flatgold's Breaking The Rules Riley (s) Warresmere Heath Rustic of Collarm Keveral Elven of Warrensmere
Pola Popsy
Warpersmoss Fusilier (s) Camp Night Sky of Twill (s)
Baewill Cascade of Warpersmoss (s)
Hilaria Umbra Fida Tewbell's A French Challenge ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Dancing Shadow Acadia ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
SE VCH Glitterways Lucky As Hell (s) SE U(U)CH FI UCH SE VV-17 Gunhills Jubilee Sensation (s) SE UCH Comics My Secret of Blue (s) Lhaxy's Vår Viljar (s)
SE VCH NORD UCH Comics New Blue Design (s)
SE VCH Gunhills Don't Worry Be Happy (s) SE VCH LPI SE LCH SE JCH Gunhills Happy (s)
Gunhills King Cobra Lady (s)
SE VCH NORD JCH Gunhills Glitter Och Glamor (s) FI JCH NORD UCH INT UCH SE JCH Toffedreams Willy-Nilly Kickapoo (s) SE UCH NO UCH Comics Indian Crow (s)
SE V-00 FI V-01 NORD UCH INT UCH Toffedreams Stair Way to Heaven (s)
SE VCH TJH LPI LPII SE LCH Gunhills Pisces (s) SE VCH SE V-02 LPI TJH(RDH) INT&NORD UCH NORD JCH Gunhills Brightest and Best (s)
SE U(U)CH Gunhills Still Bell Works As Hell (s)
Dogleg's Swing Her Back to Sender (l) Ryegate's Me Myself and I (s) DE&VDH CH Cuiviénen Back to Black (s) C.I.E. Castlerock Magic's Stake On Clearfi (s) GB SHCH Calzeat Causa Commotion (s)
GB SHCH Castlerock Magic Moment
Cuiviénen Aino (l) BY CH FI UCH RU CH Flat Garden's Andrew Xii
Salasana Final Time (s)
SE VCH SE U(U)CH EE CH C.I.E. FI UCH RLD N&F Ryegate's A True Rebel Walks Alone (l) SE VCH LPI RLD N RLD F RLD A RLD M Ryegate's Watch Out I'm About (l) SE VCH SE UCH Lustans Midwinter Silent-Knight (s)
SE VCH LPI Ryegate's Rough Shooting (l)
SE VCH LPI RLD N RLD F Ryegate's Walk On The Wild Side (l) NO UCH NO JCH Spader Damens Wild Thing (s)
SE VCH LPI RLD N RLD F RLD A RLD M Ryegate's Sweets For My Sweet (l)
Engsboda Shot For Birdie (l) Skattkammarens Trapper John (s) Meitas Mezzoforte Mackan (l) NO UCH NO JCH Spader Damens Wild Thing (s)
SE VCH Meitas Agnes Adventsstjärna (l)
Skattkammarens Hot Lips (s) Crown Foresters Pure Pal (s)
Skattkammarens Voodoo Queen (s)
SE VCH SE UCH DK UCH SE JCH Engsboda Sugar Brown (l) SE VCH Comics Blue Score (s) JWW-98 SE V-99 FI V-99 KBH V-98-99 SE U(U)CH NO UCH Caci's Hell of A Lot (s)
SE VCH NORD UCH Comics New Blue Design (s)
SE VCH Engsboda Marie Antoinette (s) SE VCH SE UCH FI UCH Almanza Napoleon Bonaparte (s)
SE VCH JWW-02 NO V-03 NORD UCH INT UCH Almanza Pleasure N'play (s) Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-30 / Page updated 30 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025