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Stamtavla för golden retriever / Pedigree for golden retriever
Efter/Sire: Goldwish Bertil Long
Undan/Dam: SE VCH RLD N Belutraces Kay

Goldwish Bertil Long (g) Sungold Habari Zako (g) Windwood's Loch Lomond (g) DK BRCH Clockburn Clooneen (g) Greenfoot Rum
Clockburn Commotion
Foglmann's Dina (g) Sungold Fonzy Fast Foot (g)
Joe's My Little Pony
Sungold Job A'holic (g) Kingo Sungold Lucky Wuk (g)
Ambertrail's Happy Heatleader CA FTCH US FTCH Shurmark's Split Decision
Ambertrail's Super Razzy
SE VCH LPI LPII Cinderella Lovehouse My Girl (g) Owlet's Tango (g) Vildsilkes Cornelius (g) NO JCH SE LCH NO LCH Sjungarstuen's Söta Bror
Vildsilkes Bananarama (g)
Vassruggens Ylva Danadottir (g) Joe's Jolly Be Good (g)
Knegarens Kooreelah (g)
SE VCH TJH Cinderella Lovehouse Sunshine (g) SE U(U)CH Floprym Quite An Elegance Sandemars Emilio (g)
Floprym Jet Set (g)
SE VCH TJH LPI Nipdalens Cinderella (g) Kakis to Be Continued (g)
Nipdalens Zebelia (g)
SE VCH RLD N Belutraces Kay (g) Poetry's Secret Adventure (g) SE VCH Attigårdens Golden Icelander (g) Vassruggens Kettil Eyrbygga (g) SE VCH Joe's James Bond (g)
Owlet's Filifjonka (g)
SE VCH TJH LPI LPII Attigårdens Golden Dame of Freedom (g) SE UCH Trollsångens Sonat (g)
SE VCH Attigårdens Golden Your My Eye (g)
Poetry's Secret Passion (g) LPI NO JCH SE JCH Stjärnglimtens Epson (g) TJH LPI Rockdove's Toffy Gentleman (g)
LPI LPII Höghedens Kayenne (g)
Poetry's Moonlight Secrecy (g) Joe's Jeff (g)
Graceline's Cry For The Moon (g)
Belutraces Deflora (g) SE U(U)CH C.I.E. NO UCH Gildas Baryshnikov (g) SE UCH Combine Hennessy (g) Chinnordale Kirriebillie (g)
SE U(U)CH Combine Flames of Fantasy (g)
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Gildas Sky Is The Limit (g) SE U(U)CH Trewater Overture (g)
Gildas Kissing Cousin (g)
Belutraces Balsame (g) Ringmaster Nimbus (g) Höghedens Kapris (g)
Ringmaster Penny (g)
SE VCH NO VCH Belutraces Axilla (g) Poetry's Mathias (g)
NORD VCH Eternal Mountains Barleysheaf (g) Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-31 / Page updated 31 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025