Information om Irländsk setter från

Hundar från / Dogs from SIMPLY RED'S
Hundar i namnordning / Dogs ordered by name

Antal hundar: 148
NamnRegnrFöddKönFärgHöfter ArmbågarÖgonPRA-genTesterJaktUtstValpar
Simply Red's EldoradoS13300/871987-01-09hane rödua       
Simply Red's EleganceS13304/871987-01-09tik rödua     1 ukl8
Simply Red's EmperorS13301/871987-01-09hane rödua     1 junkl6
Simply Red's EnchantingS13305/871987-01-09tik rödua       
Simply Red's Endless-DreamS13306/871987-01-09tik rödua       
Simply Red's EntertainerS13302/871987-01-09hane rödua     CACIB46
Simply Red's Evening-StarS13307/871987-01-09tik röd1     2 ökl 
Simply Red's ExcellentS13303/871987-01-09hane röd1     2 junkl 
Simply Red's ExplosionS13308/871987-01-09tik röd        
Simply Red's Face to FaceS21872/881988-03-14hane röd        
Simply Red's Fair PlayS21876/881988-03-14tik rödua     2 ökl8
Simply Red's Falling in LoveS21878/881988-03-14tik rödua       
Simply Red's FighterS21873/881988-03-14hane rödua       
Simply Red's First LadyS21879/881988-03-14tik rödua       
Simply Red's Foolish PrideS21880/881988-03-14tik rödua     2 ukl 
Simply Red's FootprintS21874/881988-03-14hane rödua       
Simply Red's Forever and EverS21881/881988-03-14tik rödua       
Simply Red's Forget Me NotS21882/881988-03-14tik röd        
Simply Red's FriendshipS21875/881988-03-14hane rödua       
Simply Red's Glory of LoveS43942/891989-06-15tik röd        
Simply Red's Going For GoldS43938/891989-06-15hane rödua       
Simply Red's Good EnoughS43939/891989-06-15hane röd1       
Simply Red's Good LookingS43943/891989-06-15tik rödua     CK 
Simply Red's Gorgeous GirlS43944/891989-06-15tik rödua     2 ökl7
Simply Red's Grand SlamS43940/891989-06-15hane rödua       
Simply Red's GroovyS43941/891989-06-15hane rödua       
Simply Red's Guiding StarS43945/891989-06-15tik röd        
Simply Red's Happy LifeS58598/891989-09-11tik röd1       
Simply Red's Harmonic GirlS58599/891989-09-11tik röd        
Simply Red's Heart BreakerS58594/891989-09-11hane röd        
Simply Red's Heart of GoldS58600/891989-09-11tik röd        
Simply Red's Heroic HunterS58595/891989-09-11hane rödua     2 ukl 
SE V-95 Simply Red's Higher and HigherS58601/891989-09-11tik rödua     CACIB20
LP Simply Red's HippieS58602/891989-09-11tik rödua     CK6
Simply Red's Hotblood EdS58603/891989-09-11tik röd        
Simply Red's HurricaneS58597/891989-09-11hane rödua     1 ökl 
Simply Red's I Am Hot Sensation'sS55428/901990-07-25tik rödua     1 ukl7
Simply Red's I Am in The MoodS55430/901990-07-25tik rödua       
Simply Red's I Am IndependentS55429/901990-07-25tik röd        
Simply Red's I Am The InspirationS55431/901990-07-25tik rödua     CK19
Simply Red's I Am The Only OneS55427/901990-07-25hane rödua       
Simply Red's JackpotS34113/911991-04-16hane rödua       
Simply Red's JetsetS34117/911991-04-16tik röd        
Simply Red's Jewel of JoyS34118/911991-04-16tik rödua     CK10
Simply Red's Jolly Good FellowS34114/911991-04-16hane rödua       
Simply Red's Joy's BoyS34116/911991-04-16hane röd        
LP Simply Red's JoyrideS34115/911991-04-16hane röd1     1 ökl 
Simply Red's Jump For JoyS34119/911991-04-16tik rödua     1 ökl 
Simply Red's Just For JoyS34120/911991-04-16tik röd        
Simply Red's Keep CoolS36046/921992-04-17tik rödua     1 ökl6
Simply Red's Keep On MovingS36043/921992-04-17hane rödua       
Simply Red's KindheartedS36047/921992-04-17tik rödua       
Simply Red's KingsizeS36044/921992-04-17hane rödprel.3       
Simply Red's Kiss of FireS36048/921992-04-17tik röd1ua    CK 
Simply Red's Knock-OutS36045/921992-04-17hane röduaua      
Simply Red's Lady-KillerS66826/921992-10-30hane röd1       
Simply Red's Little Red ManS66827/921992-10-30hane röd3       
Simply Red's Lonely LadyS66832/921992-10-30tik rödua     1 ökl6
LP Simply Red's Look OutS66828/921992-10-30hane rödua     1 ukl 
Simply Red's Lord of The LitterS66829/921992-10-30hane röd        
Simply Red's Lots of FunS66830/921992-10-30hane röd        
Simply Red's Lover BoyS66831/921992-10-30hane röd1       
Simply Red's Made For MeS33827/931993-04-13tik röd1     1 ukl 
Simply Red's Meaning of LifeS33825/931993-04-13hane rödua     CK 
Simply Red's Midnight MoonbeamS33828/931993-04-13tik röd1       
Simply Red's Much to MuchS33829/931993-04-13tik röd2     1 ökl 
Simply Red's My Magnificent ManS33826/931993-04-13hane röd1       
Simply Red's Name of FameS55835/931993-08-30tik rödua     2 ökl2
Simply Red's Natural ChoiceS55828/931993-08-30hane röd1     1 ukl 
Simply Red's Never Give UpS55829/931993-08-30hane röd        
Simply Red's New GenerationS55830/931993-08-30hane röd        
Simply Red's Newborn StarS55836/931993-08-30tik röd        
Simply Red's Night CrystalS55837/931993-08-30tik röd1       
Simply Red's Noble FriendS55831/931993-08-30hane röd        
Simply Red's Nobody KnowsS55832/931993-08-30hane röd1       
Simply Red's Now Or NeverS55833/931993-08-30hane röd      2 ukl 
Simply Red's Number OneS55834/931993-08-30hane röd1       
Simply Red's OccasionS35197/941994-05-03hane rödua       
Simply Red's Odds On MeS35203/941994-05-03tik rödua       
Simply Red's of CourseS35198/941994-05-03hane rödua       
Simply Red's OldfashionedS35199/941994-05-03hane röd        
Simply Red's On DutyS35200/941994-05-03hane rödua     1 junkl 
Simply Red's On StageS35204/941994-05-03tik rödua       
Simply Red's On The RunS35201/941994-05-03hane rödua       
Simply Red's OrnithologistS35205/941994-05-03tik rödua     2 ökl 
LPII Simply Red's Out of DoubtS35206/941994-05-03tik rödua     1 ökl9
Simply Red's OutstandingS35202/941994-05-03hane rödua       
Simply Red's Perfect PearlS59826/941994-10-03tik röd        
Simply Red's PersonalityS59820/941994-10-03hane röd2     1 ökl 
Simply Red's PicturesqueS59827/941994-10-03tik röd1     CK 
Simply Red's Piece of CakeS59821/941994-10-03hane röd1     2 ökl 
Simply Red's PlayboyS59822/941994-10-03hane röd2       
Simply Red's Plenty of AllS59828/941994-10-03tik rödua     1 ökl 
Simply Red's Point of ViewS59823/941994-10-03hane rödua       
Simply Red's Power of AttractionS59824/941994-10-03hane röd      1 ökl 
Simply Red's Private PropertyS59825/941994-10-03hane röd        
Simply Red's QuadrupedS44071/951995-06-22hane rödua       
Simply Red's QualityS44074/951995-06-22tik rödua     CK10
Simply Red's Queen of BeautyS44075/951995-06-22tik röd        
Simply Red's QuestionS44072/951995-06-22hane rödua       
Simply Red's QuibbleS44073/951995-06-22hane röd        
Simply Red's Quick TemperedS44076/951995-06-22tik röd        
Simply Red's QuiddityS44077/951995-06-22tik rödua      7
Simply Red's Quite CuteS44078/951995-06-22tik röd1       
Simply Red's QuizzicalS44079/951995-06-22tik röd1       
Simply Red's RainbowS16528/961996-01-24tik rödua       
Simply Red's Ready Steady GoS16525/961996-01-24hane rödua     CK2
Simply Red's Remember MeS16529/961996-01-24tik röd1       
Simply Red's RevengeS16526/961996-01-24hane rödua       
Simply Red's Right in My HeartS16527/961996-01-24hane rödua     2 junkl 
Simply Red's Rythm of The RainS16530/961996-01-24tik röd1     1 ukl 
Simply Red's Seek and HideS30087/961996-04-02hane röd2       
Simply Red's Soft SilhouetteS30088/961996-04-02hane röd        
Simply Red's Storm WarningS30089/961996-04-02hane röd1       
Simply Red's Strictly ConfidentialS30090/961996-04-02hane röd1       
Simply Red's SunbeamS30091/961996-04-02tik röd        
Simply Red's Sweet Mild RedS30092/961996-04-02tik röd2       
LPI Simply Red's Twilight TimeS37235/971997-05-14hane rödua   MH 1 ökl 
Simply Red's Twinkling StarS37236/971997-05-14tik rödua     2 ökl 
Simply Red's Unbeaten GraceS12382/981997-12-25tik röd1       
Simply Red's Unbelievably CuteS12375/981997-12-25hane röd        
Simply Red's Unbroken HeartS12376/981997-12-25hane röd        
Simply Red's Unforgetable BoyS12377/981997-12-25hane rödua       
Simply Red's Unique DesignS12378/981997-12-25hane röd      2 junkl 
Simply Red's Unlimited LoveS12379/981997-12-25hane rödB       
Simply Red's Up to DateS12380/981997-12-25hane röd        
Simply Red's Upper Class LadyS12383/981997-12-25tik röd1       
Simply Red's Utterly UniqueS12381/981997-12-25hane rödua       
Simply Red's VagabondS31287/20012001-04-22hane rödB ua/övr.not.näthinna   2 ökl 
Simply Red's ValiantS31288/20012001-04-22hane rödB       
Simply Red's Velvet PawS31292/20012001-04-22tik rödB       
Simply Red's VenerableS31291/20012001-04-22hane röd        
LPI LPII Simply Red's VermilionS31293/20012001-04-22tik rödA retinopati MH 1 ökl10
Simply Red's VirginS31294/20012001-04-22tik rödE       
Simply Red's ViscountS31289/20012001-04-22hane röd        
Simply Red's Vision ImageS31295/20012001-04-22tik röd        
Simply Red's VortigniousS31296/20012001-04-22tik röd        
Simply Red's VulcanousS31290/20012001-04-22hane röd        
Simply Red's WellbelovedS53905/20032003-08-14tik rödB       
Simply Red's WellbornS53906/20032003-08-14tik röd        
Simply Red's Wheel of LifeS53907/20032003-08-14tik röd        
Simply Red's WhirlwindS53908/20032003-08-14tik rödC       
Simply Red's WhitecrowS53909/20032003-08-14tik röd        
Simply Red's WinsomeS53910/20032003-08-14tik röd        
Simply Red's Wonderful WishS53902/20032003-08-14hane rödB       
Simply Red's WorkfellowS53903/20032003-08-14hane röd        
Simply Red's WorrilessS53904/20032003-08-14hane röd        
Simply Red's WorshipS53911/20032003-08-14tik röd  Sidan uppdaterad 2024-01-21 / Page updated 21 Jan 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-01-18 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 18 Jan 2024