Stamtavla för jaktavlad labrador / Pedigree for labrador retriever
SE J(A)CH Garronpoint Mole
SE J(J)CH Moorman's T Hazel
SE J(A)CH Garronpoint Mole (s)
GB FTCH Willowyck Ruff (s)
GB FTCH Willowyck Henman (s)
GB FTCH Pocklea Remus (s)
GB FTCH Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
IE FTCH Drakeshead Gypsy
Dagley's Girl
GB FTCH Lettermore Trout (s)
ej reg/not reg:KCP2936209P02
Cleeveway Nestle (s)
GB FTCH Tasco Dancing Brave of Willowyck
ej reg/not reg:KCSB146BP
ej reg/not reg:KCSB3253BQ
ej reg/not reg:KCR4817906R04
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
GB FTCH Garronpoint Little Dove (s)
GB FTCH Saxaphone Express (s)
GB FTCH Lafayette Tolley (g)
GB FTCH Kilderkin Renoir
Black Purdey of Keswick (s)
Mallowdale Dora of Saxaphone (s)
GB FTCH Palgrave Quin (s)
Wiltonpark Carousel (g)
Kenwu Carousel (s)
GB FTCH Aughacasla Sam of Drakeshead (s)
Ballyellery Adder
Killerisk Hero
ej reg/not reg:KCQ1565602Q01
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
SE J(J)CH Moorman's T Hazel (s)
SE J(J)CH Streamlight's Tony Baretta (s)
GB FTCH Minstead Morse (s)
Whistlestop Scamp
GB FTCH Swinbrook Twig (s)
ej reg/not reg:KCSB5547BX
Saltbarrow Maiden
ej reg/not reg:KCR0363504R01
ej reg/not reg:KCM3623207P01
SE JCH NORD JCH Searover Fancy Fascination (s)
Sparkfield Gavin (s)
ej reg/not reg:DK7405/89
Muckross Flame (s)
NO JCH LP SE JCH Classical Star-Light (s)
NO JCH SE JCH Iliadens Haimon (s)
Guns Choice Fetch-It (g)
SE JCH Moorman's Gentiana (s)
Shadowbrae Storm (s)
Castlebrae Turbo of Shadowbrae
ej reg/not reg:KCSB2293BU
ej reg/not reg:KCSB4434BW
Acomb Fell Torrin
ej reg/not reg:KCG2879306H01
ej reg/not reg:KCN3259604N03
SE JCH Moorman's Blue Saint (s)
NO JCH SE JCH Iliadens Haimon (s)
ej reg/not reg:S26737/76
ej reg/not reg:S44479/74
NORD JCH INT JCH Flaxdale Blue-Dun (s)
ej reg/not reg:S40775/82
ej reg/not reg:S39583/80
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-10 / Page updated 10 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025