Stamtavla för jaktavlad labrador / Pedigree for labrador retriever
SE JCH Kullaholm's Riddar Kato
Waterlover Fina
SE JCH Kullaholm's Riddar Kato (g)
Denes Boy Dan of Tudorcourt (g)
GB FTCH Talsbrook Rhum of Boltonabbey
Bridgestone Charlie
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Styperson Swallow
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Haremire Clio
Holbatch Flash of Haremire
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Stafly Zig of Haremire
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
SE JCH Hackihäls Dipper (s)
Soorploom Jed of Leadburn (s)
GB FTCH Symington Clarerone of Leadburn (s)
GB FTCH Tibea Tosh (s)
ej reg/not reg:KCH1473702H06
Just Annie
ej reg/not reg:KCSB5321BX
ej reg/not reg:KCM3927705P04
SE VCH Askrikes Quail (g)
Fieldcourt Quiz (s)
GB FTCH Cottismor Accord
Keness Milou
SE VCH Kullaholm's Lady Kluck (g)
ej reg/not reg:S26413/85
ej reg/not reg:S40143/87
Waterlover Fina (s)
Powenargrof Glyndwr (s)
GB FTCH Morayglen Tinker
GB FTCH Kenue Fir of Leadburn (g)
IE FTCH GB FTCH Theoweir Turramurra Teal
GB FTCH Croftweit Solo
Jessys Girl Morayglen
Garendon Billy (s)
GB FTCH Garendon Ann
Powenrgrof Danielle
GB FTCH Willowyck Jack Snipe (s)
GB FTCH Tasco Dancing Brave of Willowyck
Dagley's Girl
Powenargrof Ann Wynn
GB FTCH Birdbrook Aston of Bellever
GB FTCH Beeholme Georgia
SE VCH Waterlover Charma (g)
Odåga's Målle (s)
SE JCH Tarryholme Brodie (s)
NO JCH SE JCH GB FTCH Blackthorn Briar (g)
ej reg/not reg:KCSB2218BT
SE JCH Odåga's Payne (s)
ej reg/not reg:S26737/76
ej reg/not reg:S63029/77
Waterlover Alma (s)
Skyfly's Dingy Skipper (s)
Rambo of Downfarm (g)
ej reg/not reg:S42389/85
Myrthagens Hekla (s)
Vättlestugans Viggo (s)
Rodarbal Nadjas Salmon (g)
Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-12 / Page updated 12 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024