Information om jaktavlade labradorer från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för jaktavlad labrador / Pedigree for labrador retriever
Efter/Sire: Lowforge Malachy
Undan/Dam: SE J(J)CH SE J(A)CH Reedsweeper's Elderberry

Lowforge Malachy (s) GB FTCH Waterford Ganton (s) Endacott Kite of Chisbrook (s) GB FTCH Hatchfield Feargal (s) GB FTCH Kenue Fir of Leadburn (g)
GB FTCH Lettermore Tide of Hatchfield (s)
Endacott Guinea (s) Mickey The Minx (s)
Endacott Spindle (s)
GB FTCH Waterford Easter (s) GB FTCH Dipplelodge Raven of Riversway (s) GB FTCH Endacott Soames of Riversway (s)
Dolbrenin Sian (s)
GB FTCH Waterford Covey (s) GB FTCH Flashmount Socrates (g)
GB FTCH Crosbyrose Piper of Waterford (s)
Lowforge Elvira (s) GB FTCH Emmawood Drake (s) GB FTCH Hatchfield Feargal (s) GB FTCH Kenue Fir of Leadburn (g)
GB FTCH Lettermore Tide of Hatchfield (s)
Greenbriar Vogue (g) GB FTCH Lafayette Tolley (g)
Greenbriar Solitaire (s)
Pittendreich Highlight of Lowforge (s) GB FTCH Craighorn Garry ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Squareclose Lucy (s) Wiscombe Cid (g)
Squareclose Elle (s)
SE J(J)CH SE J(A)CH Reedsweeper's Elderberry (g) IE FTCH Copperbirch Liffey (s) Shangarrilyn Ezekiel (s) GB FTCH Saxaphone Express (s) GB FTCH Lafayette Tolley (g)
Mallowdale Dora of Saxaphone (s)
Premierleek Classic of Shangarrilyn (s) GB FTCH Symington Clarerone of Leadburn (s)
Shangarrilyn Gypsy (s)
Glenanne Bonnie of Donaghaguy (s) IE FTCH Gary of Clonbara (s) GB FTCH Baildonian Baron of Craighorn (s)
IE FTCH Derrinstown Tillie (s)
IE FTCH Brookbird Tide (s) IE FTCH GB FTCH Ernevale Urn (s)
IE FTCH Brookbird Dusty (s)
SE J(J)CH Reedsweeper's Red Rose (g) SE J(A)CH DK JCH Lakedown Diawl Bach (s) GB FTCH Eastdale Guss (s) GB FTCH Lakedown Sedge (s)
Black Penny Farthing of Eastdale
GB FTCH Connemara Twinkle of Lakedown (s) GB FTCH Lakedown Sedge (s)
Pwll-Yr Weir Mint (s)
SE J(J)CH Reedsweeper's Aquila (g) Proletariat Aureole (s) INT JCH GB FTCH Craighorn Bracken (g)
Tibea Briar of Proletariat (s)
Carmal's Heroine Kea (s) SE J(J)CH Justlike Prince Edward (s)
SE J(J)CH SE J(A)CH Carmal's Forever Heroine (s) Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-12 / Page updated 12 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024