Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
Brookmoor Black Brando
NORD JCH Rockdove's Black Velvet
Brookmoor Black Brando (s)
Newgrange Dance of Muninn (s)
IE FTCH GB FTCH Leacross Rinkals
GB FTCH Swinbrook Tan
Holdgate Swallow
Palgrave Slippery Sue
GB FTCH Kenswick Hamish
GB FTCH Palgrave Holly
Palgrave Nancy
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ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Muninn Little Wonder
Swinbrook Boss
Gallowmill Brigg
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
GB FTCH Swinbrook Bumble
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Kenswick Sheila
ej reg/not reg:
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NORD JCH Rockdove's Black Velvet (s)
SE JCH GB FTCH Haretor Shadow of Drakeshead (s)
GB FTCH Haretor Abel of Bellever
GB FTCH Stratfieldsaye Dipper
GB FTCH Stratfieldsaye Beinnmhor Lomond
Ciddyhayfield Tansy
Sladbrook Twiggy of Haretor
Swinbrook Mosquito
Oday Aurora
Haretor Smiler
Lugwardine Jasper
Jerico Rocket
GB FTCH Holdgate Vesta
Hoodhill Tweed of Haretor
GB FTCH Spudtamsons Berry of Mirstan
Hoodhill Moffat
NORD JCH Iliadens Kassiopeia (s)
Manymills Electron (s)
Manymills Wigeon
GB FTCH Holdgate Willie
Manymills Flute
Manymills Elsa
Manymills Edwin of Creaser
Manymills Tanne
SE JCH Iliadens Antigone (s)
Ballyfrema Vulcan (s)
GB CH Labrecondel Elm
Ballyfrema Simona
NO JCH SE JCH Allez Isabelle (s)
Alltid Sun Flower (g)
Sidan uppdaterad 2024-08-14 / Page updated 14 Aug 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-08-12 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 12 Aug 2024