Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
NORD JCH Middlegate Tinker
Sarapis Beatrice
NORD JCH Middlegate Tinker (s)
GB FTCH Tibea Tosh (s)
GB FTCH Palgrave Quin (s)
GB FTCH Shot of Palgrave
GB FTCH Palgrave Edward
Ivyland Tesa
GB FTCH Palgrave Holly
Eyebrook Willow
GB FTCH Palgrave Swinbrook Fern
GB FTCH Tibea Topaz (s)
GB FTCH Hedenham Park Dash of Philray
Dongon The Great
GB FTCH Hedenhampark Holcot Fay
GB FTCH Oday Alice of Tibea
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
GB FTCH Pocklea Tide of Middlegate
GB FTCH Breeze of Drakeshead
GB FTCH Drakeshead Tinker
GB FTCH Swinbrook Tan
Dipper of Drakeshead
Carrington Fay
Angleysey Swift
Teal of White Pen Drove
IE FTCH Drakeshead Gypsy
GB FTCH Pocklington Ben
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
GB FTCH Drakeshead Anna
GB FTCH Holdgate Willie
GB FTCH Westead Tan of Drakeshead
Sarapis Beatrice (g)
NO JCH SE JCH Stifinnerens Bandy (s)
NO UCH Kwinana's Yellow Surprise (g)
NO UCH NORD UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 Licithas Blizzard (g)
NORD UCH INT UCH Baronor Phoenix (g)
SE UCH NO UCH Licithas Poppet (g)
NO UCH Fabracken Ebony Dancer
Ballyduff Marlborough of Junicott
GB SHCH Fabracken Dancing Shadow
Stifinnerens Quanda
Blondella Smart Alec
Blondella Sam-Son
GB CH Kupros Marcia of Blondella
Stifinnerens Peggy
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Lady (g)
TJH Chang (g)
Buchwa (s)
LP Chang (g)
Smulan (s)
Bella (s)
SE UCH FI UCH Rodarbal Marko (s)
Rosita (s)
Emma (s)
Highstones Nimbus (s)
NORD UCH INT UCH Mallards Clay Basker (s)
Like'ims Madonna (g)
Bella (s)
SE UCH SE JCH Pendil of Ballyduff (g)
Miranda (s)
Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-21 / Page updated 21 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-11-14 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 14 Nov 2024