Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
SE JCH Mincer's Harley
Fairchilds Bloody Mary
SE JCH Mincer's Harley (s)
NORD JCH Middlegate Tinker (s)
GB FTCH Tibea Tosh (s)
GB FTCH Palgrave Quin (s)
GB FTCH Shot of Palgrave
GB FTCH Palgrave Holly
GB FTCH Tibea Topaz (s)
GB FTCH Hedenham Park Dash of Philray
GB FTCH Oday Alice of Tibea
GB FTCH Pocklea Tide of Middlegate
GB FTCH Breeze of Drakeshead
GB FTCH Drakeshead Tinker
Carrington Fay
IE FTCH Drakeshead Gypsy
GB FTCH Pocklington Ben
GB FTCH Drakeshead Anna
SE JCH Fieldcourt Quill (s)
GB FTCH Cottismor Accord
GB FTCH Shinshail Apache
Combe Castle Chilbrook
Hollyberry Teal
Lumsbank Bramble
GB FTCH Drakeshead Tinker
Clevedale Fawn of Lumsbank
Keness Milou
Brown of Holbatch
GB FTCH Ben of Westhope
Sytchampton Jessie
Tara of The Hill
Dick of Holbatch
Lulu Girl
Fairchilds Bloody Mary (s)
LPI Labruzz Marion's Milos (g)
LP Sea-Birds Something Special (s)
WW-90 DK UCH VDH CH INT UCH Dee-Fair Amazing Fame
WW-86 SE UCH DK UCH VDH CH INT UCH Sandylands Night Flight (s)
Aroscas Amazing Miss (g)
Fairchilds Design For Seabird's (s)
Minväns Teodor (s)
SE UCH Fairchilds Benitha (s)
Labruzz Liberty-Bell (g)
Smart Fellow's Order From New York (s)
US CH CA CH Tweedcroft's Debonair (s)
Stowlodge Quintette (s)
Sea-Birds Good Golly Miss Molly (s)
Minväns Teodor (s)
Basthaga Lotus (s)
Fairchilds Rossie (s)
SE JCH Manymills Hornet (s)
Manymills Hobby
GB CH Abbeystead Herons Court
Manymills Jaffa
Manymills Ladybird
Manymills Drake
GB FTCH Manymills Milady
Fairchilds Jarra (s)
Minnows Walter Scott (g)
NO JCH SE JCH GB FTCH Blackthorn Briar (g)
Minnows Zittra (g)
SE UCH Fairchilds Benitha (s)
NORD UCH INT UCH Mallards Clay Basker (s)
LP Mallards Spey Gillie (s)
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-29 / Page updated 29 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025