Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
Lejie The Prize Guy
Narjanas Careenah
Lejie The Prize Guy (s)
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Narjanas Careenah (g)
Sandylands April Madness (g)
GB SHCH Ardmargha Mad Hatter
GB CH Sandylands Mark
GB CH Reanacre Mallardhurn Thunder
CH Sandylands Truth
Hope of Ardmargha
GB CH Sandylands Tandy
GB CH Kilree of Ardmargha
GB SHCH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Sandylands Charlston
Sandylands Charlie Boy
GB SHCH Sandylands Dancer
Longley in Tune
GB CH Sandylands Tandy
Sandylands Go Lightley of Longley
NO UCH Drizella's Ajannah (g)
NO UCH Surprising's Mathias (g)
Puhs Indra (s)
Sandylands Charlie Boy
NO UCH Keithray Marianne
NO UCH Surprising's Kornelia (g)
Surprising's Amigo (g)
NO UCH Surprising's Isobel (s)
NO UCH Narjanas Annah Kondah (s)
ej reg/not reg:
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ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Sidan uppdaterad 2024-10-29 / Page updated 29 Oct 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024