Information om Labrador retriever från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
Efter/Sire: Denes Boy Dan of Tudorcourt
Undan/Dam: SE J(J)CH Klintå's Snöstjärna

Denes Boy Dan of Tudorcourt (g) GB FTCH Talsbrook Rhum of Boltonabbey Bridgestone Charlie ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Styperson Swallow ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Haremire Clio Holbatch Flash of Haremire ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Stafly Zig of Haremire ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
SE J(J)CH Klintå's Snöstjärna (s) SE VCH LPI NORD JCH Moorman's Arcturus (s) SE JCH GB FTCH Haretor Shadow of Drakeshead (s) GB FTCH Haretor Abel of Bellever GB FTCH Stratfieldsaye Dipper
Sladbrook Twiggy of Haretor
Haretor Smiler Lugwardine Jasper
Hoodhill Tweed of Haretor
SE JCH Moorman's Blue Saint (s) NO JCH SE JCH Iliadens Haimon (s) Manymills Electron (s)
NO JCH SE JCH Allez Isabelle (s)
NORD JCH INT JCH Flaxdale Blue-Dun (s) Sandringham Bluff (s)
Drakeshead Faith (s)
Streamlight's Brave Citrine (g) Fieldcourt Dancing Pioneer (s) GB FTCH Tasco Dancing Brave of Willowyck GB FTCH Shinshail Apache
Swinbrook Stonefly
Keness Milou Brown of Holbatch
Tara of The Hill
SE JCH NORD JCH Searover Fancy Fascination (s) Sparkfield Gavin (s) DK JCH Sparkfield Tobias (s)
Muckross Flame (s)
NO JCH LP SE JCH Classical Star-Light (s) NO JCH SE JCH Iliadens Haimon (s)
Guns Choice Fetch-It (g) Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-21 / Page updated 21 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-11-14 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 14 Nov 2024