Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
SE U(U)CH Annual's Trendsetter
Lab Treasure's Miracle
SE U(U)CH Annual's Trendsetter (s)
Mallorn's Romeo (s)
Visions I'm Able
US CH Sounder's Hear Me Roar
Guideline's Fat Cat
US CH Sounders Vada of Somis
US CH Kelleygreens Amazing Grace
Visions American Express
Kelleygreens Starling
Rosanan La Rosa
Mallorn's Arcturus (s)
FI UCH Mallorn's Shenandigan (s)
FI UCH Boothgate Miz Showbusiness (b)
Rosanan Desert Rose
JWW-98 FI UCH Rosanan Chelsea Bun (s)
FI UCH Rosanan Purple Rose
GB SHCH Abbeystead Tranquill (s)
GB CH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway (s)
Charway Uncle Tom (s)
GB CH Charway Ballywill Will (s)
Wetherlam Black Cherry of Charway (s)
GB SHCH Cambremer All That Jazz (s)
GB CH Kupros Master Mariner (s)
Cambremer Montclair
GB SHCH Frostfire Dawn Chorus at Abbeystead
Cannonridge Jackdaw (s)
GB CH Kupros Master Mariner (s)
Zanys Penny Lane at Cannonridge
Frostfire Court Jester
GB CH Abbeystead Herons Court
Mansergh Singing Sharp
Lab Treasure's Miracle (s)
NORD UCH INT UCH GB CH Carpenny Walpole (s)
Hawksmoors Webster (s)
US CH Dickendall Arnold (s)
US CH Dickendalls Ruffy (s)
Dickendalls A-Ha
Hawksmoors Ravens Flight
US CH Borador's Lord Travis
Mascoot Rayners Choice
GB SHCH Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny (g)
GB CH Carpenny Bonhomie (g)
GB CH Trenow Brigadier (g)
Carpenny Camargue
Cranspire Careless Whisper
Raybooth Cream Cracker
Cranspire Lace
KBH V-00 NO V-00 SE UCH DK UCH VDH CH INT UCH O'Sofinas Quite As Nice (s)
SE VCH SE UCH Trendmaker's The Moose Is Loose (s)
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Boothgate's It's Show Time (s)
Brandhams Show Stopper
Jadz Mail Order Madge
Trendmaker's Traffic Jam (s)
Smart Fellow's Order From New York (s)
Blondella Balanced Shades (s)
FI V-95 FI UCH INT UCH Loresho Jell-O
Mardas Maroon
GB SHCH Mardas Master Mariner (s)
Mardas Mulled Wine
FI UCH Loresho Fine Black Lace
FI UCH INT UCH Charway Huckleberry
Loresho Ringed Plover
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-29 / Page updated 29 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025