Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
GB FTCH Trooper Tam of Lochmuir
GB FTCH Mallowdale Giddy of Staftly
GB FTCH Trooper Tam of Lochmuir (s)
GB FTCH Symington Clarerone of Leadburn (s)
GB FTCH Tibea Tosh (s)
GB FTCH Palgrave Quin (s)
GB FTCH Shot of Palgrave
GB FTCH Palgrave Holly
GB FTCH Tibea Topaz (s)
GB FTCH Hedenham Park Dash of Philray
GB FTCH Oday Alice of Tibea
Palgrave Slippery Sue
GB FTCH Kenswick Hamish
Danbrias Black Tern
GB FTCH Stonner Point Be Hopeful of Kenswic
GB FTCH Palgrave Holly
Eyebrook Willow
GB FTCH Palgrave Swinbrook Fern
Mugdrum Heroine
Lang of Drumour
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Bonny Florence Ellen
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GB FTCH Mallowdale Giddy of Staftly
GB FTCH Swinbrook Twig (s)
GB FTCH Drakeshead Actor of Shotgate
GB FTCH Holdgate Willie
Holdgate Steven
Wing of Ruckley
GB FTCH Westead Tan of Drakeshead
GB FTCH Swinbrook Tan
Angeltown's Chalcedory Donna
GB FTCH Palgrave Kay
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Broadville Damsel of Mallowdale
IE FTCH GB FTCH Leacross Rinkals
GB FTCH Swinbrook Tan
GB FTCH Palgrave Edward
GB FTCH Beinnmhor Tide
Holdgate Swallow
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IE FTCH Drakeshead Connie
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Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-29 / Page updated 29 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025