Information om Labrador retriever från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
Efter/Sire: Bobo
Undan/Dam: Cia

Bobo (s) SE J(J)CH Moorman's Nightmare (s) SE J(J)CH Sea-Croft Sydney (s) Brookmoor Black Brando (s) Newgrange Dance of Muninn (s)
Muninn Little Wonder
NORD JCH Classical Garbi (s) Rambo of Downfarm (g)
SE JCH Classical Twi-Light (s)
SE JCH Moorman's Cajun (s) SE JCH GB FTCH Haretor Shadow of Drakeshead (s) GB FTCH Haretor Abel of Bellever
Haretor Smiler
NORD JCH INT JCH Flaxdale Blue-Dun (s) Sandringham Bluff (s)
Drakeshead Faith (s)
SE VCH Björshults Vårblomma (g) FI JCH SE JCH NORD JCH Tasco Brimstone (g) GB FTCH Lettermore Trout (s) GB FTCH Carnochway Daniel
Lettermore May
GB FTCH Stormwatch Spider of Tasco (g) Gillmhor Arrow of Pocklea
Tasco Yellow Belle of Stormwatch
Djurbergas Sligo Bay (s) SE JCH Djurbergas Emil (s) Fieldcourt Dancing Pioneer (s)
SE JCH Moorman's Canneloni (s)
Rozel Classic Touch of Tasco (s) GB FTCH Garendon Captain (s)
Tasco Glow
Cia (s) Conneywarren Brooklin (s) Conneywarren Lennie (s) GB FTCH Millcottage Pathfinder (s) GB FTCH Carolhill Crusader of Brocklebank (s)
Pasturelands Amber of Millcottage (g)
Scolopax Lali (s) GB FTCH Bracken of Berrybrae (s)
Scolopax Midnight Crex (s)
Conneywarren Shooting Star (s) IE FTCH Gary of Clonbara (s) GB FTCH Baildonian Baron of Craighorn (s)
IE FTCH Derrinstown Tillie (s)
Conneywarren Deana INT JCH GB FTCH Craighorn Bracken (g)
Glen Bonnie of Conneywarren
Conover's Just For Fun (s) SE J(J)CH SE J(A)CH Justlike Kronprins Frederik (s) Prideline Krispin (s) GB FTCH Rozel Rocket of Tasco (s)
GB FTCH Garendon Ann
SE J(J)CH SE J(A)CH Moorman's Look Twice (s) SE J(J)CH Justlike Tiger-Woods (s)
SE JCH Moorman's Gentiana (s)
Seareeds Nike (s) FI JCH SE JCH NORD JCH Tasco Brimstone (g) GB FTCH Lettermore Trout (s)
GB FTCH Stormwatch Spider of Tasco (g)
Streamlight's Brave Ruby (s) Fieldcourt Dancing Pioneer (s)
SE JCH NORD JCH Searover Fancy Fascination (s) Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-21 / Page updated 21 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-11-14 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 14 Nov 2024