Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
Dolbia Cost A Bomb
Cha's Benitha
Dolbia Cost A Bomb (s)
Balrion Weathertop Casey Jones (s)
Rocheby Old Smokey (g)
Rocheby Navy Blue (s)
Rocheby Sailing By (s)
GB SHCH Cambremer Royal Velvet at Rocheby
GB SHCH Rocheby Polkadot (g)
Poolstead Pretentious at Rocheby (g)
GB SHCH Rocheby Acorn (g)
Balrion Weathertop Jane Eyre (s)
US CH Weathertop El Nino (s)
US CH CA CH Beechcroft's Regal Air
US CH Beechcrofts Weathertop Wind (s)
Balrion Lorna Doone (s)
US CH Weathertop Storm Cloud (s)
Balrion Oceans Apart (s)
C.I.E. PL CH Dolbia Smooth Operator (g)
US CH Devonshires Limited Edition (g)
Timberland Woodsman at Lor-Al (g)
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US CH Devonshire Abbey Lane (g)
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ej reg/not reg:
Becky Bayo Górska Fantazja
INT UCH Sretlaw Never Smoke Again (g)
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PL CH Peppermint Od Himalajskeho Cedru
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Cha's Benitha (s)
Mambrinos Black Cap (s)
NORD JV-11 Destinys Tellmenothingidon'tknow (b)
SE U(U)CH C.I.E. NO UCH SE VV-15 NORD VV-15 SE VV-16 Tjotte's Lover Under Cover (b)
US CH Lubberline Pumpernickle
SE U(U)CH Tjotte's New Years Cheers (b)
Annual's The Gossip Girl (s)
Mallorn's Romeo (s)
GB SHCH Abbeystead Tranquill (s)
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Mambrinos Tessie (s)
SE VCH SE UCH DK UCH Lab Treasure's Best of All (s)
Master of Chocolate Du Taillis Mada (b)
KBH V-00 KBH V-03 SE UCH DK UCH VDH CH INT UCH O'Sofinas Quite As Nice
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Mambrinos Heidi (b)
GB CH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway (s)
KBH V-98 NO UCH Mambrinos Veslemöy (s)
Cha's Pernille (g)
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Mementos Largo (s)
Turibo's Optimus
Winnie's Frankfurter Team (s)
NO UCH Turibo's Inka (s)
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Mambrinos Wega (g)
NORD UCH INT UCH GB CH Carpenny Walpole (s)
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Mambrinos Gertie (g)
Juelsgaard's Libra (g)
Ithaque Winds of Toul Diweon
Maya Du Gue De La Reboursiere
Witraz Vw Caravelle
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Sidan uppdaterad 2024-08-14 / Page updated 14 Aug 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-08-12 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 12 Aug 2024