Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
Jobeshill Montserrat
Roekull Kayos Zelma
Jobeshill Montserrat (s)
GB FTCH Turpingreen Barrera of Labdom (s)
GB FTCH Lowforge Glenaveigh of Leacaz (s)
GB FTCH Lowforge Aragon of Leacaz (s)
GB FTCH Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead (s)
Pittendreich Highlight of Lowforge (s)
Swaine Siskin of Lowforge (s)
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Gablegorst Shuffler of Turpingreen (s)
GB FTCH Waterford Fergus (s)
GB FTCH Willowyck Ruff (s)
GB FTCH Waterford Covey (s)
Biney Beatrice of Gablegorst
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Stauntonvale Wild Clary at Jobeshil (g)
GB FTCH Eastdale Kayne (s)
GB FTCH Calderhey Adder (s)
GB FTCH Drakeshead Indiana (s)
Kenmillone Gentila (s)
Lakedown Demoisalle of Eastdale (g)
GB FTCH Eastdale Guss (s)
GB FTCH Connemara Twinkle of Lakedown (s)
GB FTCH Jobeshill Lotta of Stauntonvale (g)
FI JCH SE JCH NORD JCH Tasco Brimstone (g)
GB FTCH Lettermore Trout (s)
GB FTCH Stormwatch Spider of Tasco (g)
Collaroybanks Willow
INT JCH GB FTCH Craighorn Bracken (g)
Whissendine Barley
Roekull Kayos Zelma (s)
Minnows Irish Brand (s)
IE FTCH GB FTCH Apache Joe (s)
IE FTCH Copperbirch Zeus of Glenanne (s)
GB FTCH Pocklea Adder (s)
Crownhill Jet of Copperbirch (s)
Shanarrilyn Kim of Copperbirch (s)
GB FTCH Saxaphone Express (s)
Premierleek Classic of Shangarrilyn (s)
Carolhill Aniak of Copperbirch (s)
IE FTCH Copperbirch Liffey (s)
Shangarrilyn Ezekiel (s)
Glenanne Bonnie of Donaghaguy (s)
Glenbriar Ember of Carolhill (s)
GB FTCH Glenbriar Solo (s)
Kelland Sara of Glenbriar (s)
SE J(A)CH Roekull Kayo (s)
Lakedown Tarw Du (s)
GB FTCH Eastdale Guss (s)
GB FTCH Lakedown Sedge (s)
Black Penny Farthing of Eastdale
GB FTCH Connemara Twinkle of Lakedown (s)
GB FTCH Lakedown Sedge (s)
Pwll-Yr Weir Mint (s)
Roekull Ilva (s)
SE J(J)CH Duvkullans Cello (s)
DK JCH DK BCH Hesselholt Tobie (s)
SE JCH Rowanglen Mist (s)
Månstorps Forsythia (g)
Whitecity Black (s)
Månstorps Chamomilla (g)
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-29 / Page updated 29 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025