Information om Labrador retriever från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för labrador retriever / Pedigree for labrador retriever
Efter/Sire: Roekull Kayos Bob
Undan/Dam: Meadowlark Space Travel

Roekull Kayos Bob (s) Burrendale Ace (s) GB FTCH Lowforge Glenaveigh of Leacaz (s) GB FTCH Lowforge Aragon of Leacaz (s) GB FTCH Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead (s)
Pittendreich Highlight of Lowforge (s)
Swaine Siskin of Lowforge (s) ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Tyrrellison Star Dreamer (s) IE FTCH GB FTCH Apache Joe (s) IE FTCH Copperbirch Zeus of Glenanne (s)
Shanarrilyn Kim of Copperbirch (s)
Copperbirch Santa's Helper of Tyrre (s) IE FTCH Donaghaguy Garnet (s)
Brookbird Maeve of Copperbirch (s)
SE J(A)CH Roekull Kayo (s) Lakedown Tarw Du (s) GB FTCH Eastdale Guss (s) GB FTCH Lakedown Sedge (s)
Black Penny Farthing of Eastdale
GB FTCH Connemara Twinkle of Lakedown (s) GB FTCH Lakedown Sedge (s)
Pwll-Yr Weir Mint (s)
Roekull Ilva (s) SE J(J)CH Duvkullans Cello (s) DK JCH DK BCH Hesselholt Tobie (s)
SE JCH Rowanglen Mist (s)
Månstorps Forsythia (g) Whitecity Black (s)
Månstorps Chamomilla (g)
Meadowlark Space Travel (s) INT JCH Ragweed's Travel of Craighorn (g) INT JCH GB FTCH Craighorn Bracken (g) GB FTCH Aughacasla Sam of Drakeshead (s) Ballyellery Adder
Killerisk Hero
GB FTCH Lochmuir Bonnie (s) GB FTCH Pocklea Remus (s)
GB FTCH Lochmuir Lady
Ragweed's Joplin (g) Hamford Wilfred (s) ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Amazing Ragweed of Lubberland (s) GB FTCH Dreamacres Firefly
Dorka Vom Tennikerweidli
Batmoors' Leadhills Ale (s) SE J(A)CH DK JCH Bierspool Blackbill of Lakedown (s) Jagdens Jude (s) GB FTCH Strad Benis (s)
Middlebere Ruby of Gospelash
Birdberi Dragonfly Lakedown Hopper
Holdgate Dipper at Birdberi
Hillus Holland (g) GB FTCH Rod Wallace of Leadburn (s) INT JCH GB FTCH Craighorn Bracken (g)
Brindlebay Dawn (s)
GB FTCH Broadlaw Eva (g) GB FTCH Baildonian Baron of Craighorn (s)
GB FTCH Kenue Cedar (g) Sidan uppdaterad 2025-01-29 / Page updated 29 Jan 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025