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Gabriella Karlin Arcimir
Gais Annamaria
GB CH Gais Mr Pricklepin of Nanchyl
Gaitan Poem Cs
Galagoza Tasty Tina f.1986
Galagoza Timorous Lady f.1986
Gallant Knight
JWW-03 DE CH Galway Pug Arcita
Gambling Girl of Simla
Gamekeeper's Alexander Rooney f.2003
Gamekeeper's Alexia By Victoria f.2003
Gamekeeper's Amiral Von Schneider f.2005
Gamekeeper's Baron Münchhausen f.2005
Gamekeeper's Beige Rakel Milla f.2002
Gamekeeper's Beige Rob Roy Lukier f.2002
Gamekeeper's Beige Rosa Milla f.2002
Gamekeeper's Ben-Jamin f.2003
Gamekeeper's Big Love f.2004
Gamekeeper's Black Raven Lukier f.2002
Gamekeeper's Black Rebell Lukier f.2002
Gamekeeper's Black Rose in Heaven f.2002
Gamekeeper's Blip Blop f.2006
Gamekeeper's Bobby By Ben f.2003
Gamekeeper's Bulbasaur f.2001
Gamekeeper's Bus Frö f.2005
Gamekeeper's Busar Bara f.2005
Gamekeeper's Bästa Buset f.2005
Gamekeeper's Cervantes f.2000
Gamekeeper's Crash Bandicoot f.2000
Gamekeeper's Cruella De Ville f.2005
Gamekeeper's Czech It f.2005
Gamekeeper's Czech Me Out f.2005
Gamekeeper's Czech The Trip f.2005
Gamekeeper's Czechpoint Charlie f.2005
Gamekeeper's Did It f.2004
Gamekeeper's Didn't Do It f.2004
Gamekeeper's For The Last Time f.2005
NORD JV-03 Gamekeeper's Frank The Pug f.2003
Gamekeeper's Full Av Bus f.2005
Gamekeeper's George Rooney f.2003
Gamekeeper's Globetrotter f.2005
Gamekeeper's Go Your Own Way f.2004
Gamekeeper's Greve Moltke f.2005
Gamekeeper's Guilty As Charged f.2004
Gamekeeper's He's The One f.2004
Gamekeeper's Her Ladyship f.2005
Gamekeeper's Hoffa By Ben f.2003
Gamekeeper's Hope to See Ya Again f.2005
Gamekeeper's Hvilelöse Hjerte f.2006
Gamekeeper's Isabella By Victoria f.2003
Gamekeeper's Jacob Benson f.2003
Gamekeeper's Jutlandia f.2006
Gamekeeper's Jynx f.2001
Gamekeeper's Lady Godiva f.2005
Gamekeeper's Lara Croft f.2000
Gamekeeper's Last Crusader f.2005
Gamekeeper's Last On Ti Czech In f.2005
Gamekeeper's Little Lies f.2004
Gamekeeper's Longtime Goodbye f.2005
Gamekeeper's Mest Bus f.2005
Gamekeeper's Midt Om Natten f.2006
Gamekeeper's Nelson Rooney f.2003
DK UCH Gamekeeper's Nidoqueen f.2001
Gamekeeper's No Questions Asked f.2004
Gamekeeper's Not Guilty f.2004
Gamekeeper's Not That Kind f.2006
Gamekeeper's Pikachu f.2001
Gamekeeper's Ripper Roo f.2000
Gamekeeper's Seven Wonders f.2004
Gamekeeper's She's to Blame f.2004
Gamekeeper's Single Girl f.2004
Gamekeeper's Solo Survivor f.2005
Gamekeeper's Som Det Kan Bli f.2003
Gamekeeper's Sophitia f.2000
Gamekeeper's Sort Guld f.2003
Gamekeeper's Sort Magi f.2003
Gamekeeper's Susan Himmelblå f.2006
Gamekeeper's Tarzan Mama Mia f.2006
Gamekeeper's Traveller f.2005
Gamekeeper's Tur I Oturen f.2003
Gamekeeper's Vincent Rooney f.2003
Gamekeeper's You Make Loving Fun f.2004
Garbrey Grand Return
US CH Garnet's Movin' On Up
Garry-Peril f.1985
US CH Gas Hollow's Belvedere
US CH Gas Hollow's Folly
US CH Gas Hollow's Gimme A B
US CH Gas Hollow's Hansel
US CH Gas Hollow's Jam-Packed
US CH Gas Hollow's Matso
Gas Hollow's May Flower
Gas Hollow's Petunia
DK UCH US CH Gas Hollow's Rhumba f.2000
US CH Gas Hollow's Romeo
Gas Hollow's Satin Tights
US CH Gas Hollow's Sleight of Hand
US CH Gas Hollow's Thimble Theatre
US CH Gas Hollow's Vidalia
Gatsby's Emil f.1996
Gatsby's Jake Pot Peters f.1991
Gatsby's James Pot Peters f.1991
SE UCH Gatsby's Jimmi Pot Peters f.1991
Gatsby's Julie Pot Peters f.1991
Geko Sasquehanna f.1998
Gendogs Happy-Baby f.1985
Gendogs Hard-Boy f.1985
Gendogs High-Biggles f.1985
Gendogs Honey-Bee f.1985
Gendogs Janis Jopplin f.1986
Gendogs Jelly Jessica f.1986
Gendogs Jesse Borego f.1986
Gendogs Jolly Jumper f.1986
Gendogs King of Big Size f.1987
CH Genevieve of Bournle
Geraldine f.1985
NZ CH Gilgai Mr Jinx
Gio Do Gio Beby
Gio Do Gio Berto
Gio Do Gio Brenda
IT CH Gio Do Gio Ciak
Gio Do Gio Ciana
SL CH Gio Do Gio Emanuel
Gio Do Gio Jolly
Gio Do Gio Lesenfantterrible
Gio Do Gio Loes
INT UCH IT CH Gio Do Gio Luna
Gio Do Gio Noe'
Gio Do Gio Papillon
INT UCH IT CH Gio Do Gio Venus
Gio Do Gio Vichi
Give-Us-A-Kiss f.1978
Gladis f.1985
Glafira f.1998
Glammarags Aim'n For The Top f.2000
Glomar Dancin' Da Rumba f.2003
Glomar Dancin' On Keys f.2004
NZ CH Glomar N' All Dat Jazz
NZ CH Glomar Rhythm 'n' Blues
NZ CH AU CH Glomar Rock 'n' Roll
NZ CH Glomar Sing A Xmas Carol
NZ CH Glomar Sing Sweet Lyrics f.2002
NZ CH Glomar The One and Only
NZ CH Glomar Top of The Pops
Goblin f.1977
Goblin f.2005
Godoy Cerny Paprsek Cs
Golden Mink of Cyrene
Goodchance Alexandra of Sneezwort
GB CH Goodchance Eddystone
Goodchance Edwina
Goodchance Flirty Bertie of Sneezwo
Goodchance Flirty Bertie of Sneezwo f.1984
GB CH Goodchance Flower Power
Goodchance Mariona
Goodchance Pharosa
Gorm-Light f.1985
Gorobin Sweet Pippin
Goroda Gilly Girl
SE UCH Goroda Go-Go Girl f.1976
Grace-Bonnie f.2005
Grafinja's Hestrie of Ove Over All f.2004
Grafinja's Inge f.2005
Grafinja's Iwan f.2005
Grafinja's Izor f.2005
Grafinja's Janina f.2006
Grafinja's Josef f.2006
Grafinja's Julian f.2006
Grafinja's Juliana f.2006
Grafinja's Julius f.2006
Grande Negros Peach f.1999
Grande Negros Petit f.1999
Grande Negros Piff f.1999
Grande Negros Puff f.1999
Granneman's Marshmallow f.2005
Granneman's Men in Black f.2005
Granneman's Mr Olsson f.2005
Granneman's Mumbo Jumbo f.2005
Gravensteiner f.1988
Great Heart's Alfons Åberg f.1996
Great Heart's American Christmasace f.2001
Great Heart's Ariel f.2001
Great Heart's Benjamin f.2003
Great Heart's Bernhard f.1998
Great Heart's Bianca f.1998
Great Heart's Carrotmuffin f.2005
Great Heart's Céleste f.1996
Great Heart's Cinderella f.2000
Great Heart's Clown f.2000
SE UCH Great Heart's Ellen f.2003
Great Heart's Emil f.2003
Great Heart's Harry Potter f.2006
Great Heart's Hermione Granger f.2006
Great Heart's Ida f.2003
Great Heart's Kingsize Carrotcake f.2005
SE UCH Great Heart's Laban f.1996
Great Heart's Mary Poppins f.2000
Great Heart's Miss Piggy f.2000
Great Heart's Neville Long Bottom f.2006
Great Heart's Ron Weasly f.2006
Great Heart's Ruth f.2003
Great Heart's Sleeping Beauty f.2000
Great Heart's Snow White f.2000
Great Heart's Törnrosa f.1996
SE UCH NO UCH Great Heart's Ursula f.2001
Great Heart's Vera f.2003
Great Heart's Wilbur f.1998
Grynet f.2001
Gullet f.1976
Gunpowder f.1980
Gyft De La Gaie Maisonnee
Göstagigoloo f.1998 Sidan uppdaterad 2011-04-28 / Page updated 28 Apr 2011:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2007-01-16 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 16 Jan 2007