Information om Springer spaniel från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för springer spaniel / Pedigree for springer spaniel
Efter/Sire: SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 Cliffhill Gossips Fieldday
Undan/Dam: SE UCH Bumble-Bee

SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 Cliffhill Gossips Fieldday GB CH Cliffhill Julius GB CH Teesview Titus GB CH Stokeley Toreador Colmaris Son of George
GB SHCH Stokeley Sea Princess
GB CH Tyneview Margaret GB SHCH Studley Brave Buccaneer
Tyneview Sarina
GB CH Silveroak Elaine Woodbay Curlews Flash ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Cressida of Silveroak GB SHCH Stokeley Son of Laddie
Woodbay Donna's Fern
GB CH Silveroak Elaine Woodbay Curlews Flash ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Cressida of Silveroak GB SHCH Stokeley Son of Laddie GB SHCH Colmaris Bonny Ladd
GB CH Stokeley Teesview Telstar
Woodbay Donna's Fern ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
SE UCH Bumble-Bee Mustela Ax. Ikaros FI UCH Admiral of Skyway NORD UCH INT UCH SE JCH Macleys Doorkey NORD UCH INT UCH SE JCH Mustela F. Amon
DK UCH NO UCH Sea Trout of Freetwood
FI UCH FI JCH Mustela M Aminette NORD UCH INT UCH Ambridge Bystander of Stubham
NORD UCH INT UCH Mustela F Marvel
NORD UCH INT UCH Mustela M. Alexandra NORD UCH INT UCH Ambridge Bystander of Stubham CH Hyperion of Stubham
Hawkhill Freckles
NORD UCH INT UCH Mustela F Marvel ej reg/not reg:
Barrings Fiffi
NO UCH FI UCH Revirets Bonny DK UCH NO UCH Mac Leys Porkey GB SHCH Lochardils Ghillie of Bramhope GB CH Douglas of Freetwood
Brandy Sour of Bramhope
DK UCH NO UCH Roydwood Russian Sable ej reg/not reg:
National Velvet of Stubham
NO UCH Revirets Donna Bianca DK UCH NO UCH Woodbay Don Dendron GB SHCH Benefactor of Roundfield
GB SHCH Woodbay Prima Donna
NORD UCH INT UCH Going Beautiful Scilla NORD UCH INT UCH Ambridge Bystander of Stubham
DK UCH Apelgårdens Beautiful Sidan uppdaterad 2024-08-18 / Page updated 18 Aug 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-08-12 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 12 Aug 2024