Information om Springer spaniel från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för springer spaniel / Pedigree for springer spaniel
Efter/Sire: Cleavehill John Gunn
Undan/Dam: Windsongs Tilly's-Pearl

Cleavehill John Gunn Frenchgate Marcus GB CH Teesview Titus GB CH Stokeley Toreador Colmaris Son of George
GB SHCH Stokeley Sea Princess
GB CH Tyneview Margaret GB SHCH Studley Brave Buccaneer
Tyneview Sarina
Frenchgate Fleur-De-Lis GB SHCH Stokeley Son of Laddie GB SHCH Colmaris Bonny Ladd
GB CH Stokeley Teesview Telstar
Frenhgate Sally Anne ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Cleavehill Trickie Situation GB SHCH Cleavehill Huckleberry Finn GB SHCH Cleavehill Yankee Clipper CH Teesview Tarmac
Cleavehill Mary Poppins
GB SHCH Teesview Talkin Tarn Cleavehill Acorn
Teesview Talk of The Town
Teesview Pandoras Box of Tricks GB CH Teesview Titus GB CH Stokeley Toreador
GB CH Tyneview Margaret
GB SHCH Teesview Pandora of Truelindale GB CH Teesview Titus
Morag of Tuelindale
Windsongs Tilly's-Pearl FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chance NORD UCH INT UCH CA CH Salilyns Passkey US CH Chinoes Adamant James US CH Salilyn's Aristocrat
CH Canarch Inchidony Brook
Loujon Amy ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chocolatedream Huntersmoon NO UCH Brigadoon Reverie
Cleavehill Jennie Wren
FI UCH Builder's Azalea FI UCH Admiral of Skyway
FI UCH Florence of Forestfire
Windsongs Pärla Pygmalia's Pygmalion NO UCH Cleavehill Kylesland Inverruel Legend
Cleavehill Dulcinea
Cleavehill Tartan Braid GB SHCH Hawkhill Connaught
Cleavehill Skye Maid
Teesview Tillanburn GB SHCH Cleavehill Brigadier GB CH Teesview Titus
GB SHCH Dulcie of Kennersleigh
Teesview Talk of The Town GB CH Teesview Titus
GB SHCH Teesview Tarama Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-02 / Page updated 2 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024