Information om Springer spaniel från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för springer spaniel / Pedigree for springer spaniel
Efter/Sire: NO UCH Whisborne Night Rider
Undan/Dam: Pearlrain's Tiger's-Eye

NO UCH Whisborne Night Rider NO UCH Inu-Goya Private Collection NO UCH Inu-Goya Summer Blues NO UCH Inu-Goya Autumn Dew Freeway Indian Summer
NO UCH Cleavehill Hunting Habit
NO UCH Travis Aelia GB CH Cliffhill Julius
NO UCH Silveroak Ysenne
Freeway Season of Mists Cleavehill Acorn GB SHCH Cleavehill Brigadier
Cleavehill Bumble Bee
Freeway Anastasia ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Whisborne New Romance GB SHCH Hawkhill Starsky Hawkhill Blakeney ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Hawkhill Finian's Rainbow ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
NO UCH Salloway Shady Lady of Tasa Salloway Mr Whippy ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Salloway Masquerade ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Pearlrain's Tiger's-Eye NORD UCH Springstar's Black Cock FI UCH FI JCH Bukefalos Bill FI UCH Bukefalos Copper Coin Ii NORD UCH INT UCH Carwinley Copper Coin
FI UCH Bukefalos Alicia
Bukefalos Nette Teesview Timber
FI UCH Bukefalos Alicia
SE UCH FI UCH FI JCH INT UCH SE JCH Brigadoon Capercailzie Star SE UCH Brigadoon Evening Star SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH SE JCH Apelgårdens Eros
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Woodbay Donna Deana
Brigadoon Curaqao NO UCH Brigadoon Reverie
Larkstoke Capercaillie
Pearlrain's Andromeda SE UCH FI UCH Springstar's Black-Lion FI UCH FI JCH Buua FI U(SP)CH FI UCH FI JCH FI LCH Of Forestfire Cudweed
FI UCH Anrella
NORD UCH Springstar's King's Legend SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH SE JCH Brigadoon Johnnie Walker
SE UCH FI UCH FI JCH INT UCH SE JCH Brigadoon Capercailzie Star
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH LP She's-A-Tiger Pygmalia's Prinz-Ottonel Zeb
Lossiedoon Lucky Chance
Windsongs Roseanna Pygmalia's Pygmalion
Teesview Tillanburn Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-03 / Page updated 3 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025