Stamtavla för springer spaniel / Pedigree for springer spaniel
FI UCH Adamant's Gengis Khan
Rowntree Your Highness
FI UCH Adamant's Gengis Khan
FI UCH Inu-Goya Antaeus
NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Brigadoon New Generation of York
GB CH Ardencote Alexander
GB CH Cliffhill Julius
GB CH Ardencote Tapestry
NO UCH GB SHCH Skilleigh Tangy
GB SHCH Teesview Top Notch
Skilleigh Tan Cam
NO UCH Cleavhill National Velvet
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Adamant's La Grande Dame
NORD UCH Nobhill Upper Class Delight
SE UCH FI UCH FI BCH Willowbank's Bolero
US CH Telltale Author
Willowbank S Largesse
LP Nobhill Chance's Delight
FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chance
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH FI LCH Adamant's Madam De Luce
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Rowntree Your Highness
NO UCH Wadeson Thomas Magnum
Wadeson The Equalizer
GB SHCH Barlochan Engineer
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Princess Louise at Wadeson
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GB SHCH Wadeson Juliet Bravo
GB SHCH Barlochan Engineer
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Wadeson Dream Awhile
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LP Rowntree Just For Fun
Adamant's Tom Collins
FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chance
NORD UCH INT UCH CA CH Salilyns Passkey
FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chocolatedream
FI UCH FI JCH Hightide S Prelude
NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Cairis Little-Big-Man
Hightide S Keynote
Rowntree Dream Comes Tru
Pygmalia's Hilly-Billy
NORD V-82 Adamant's Ringleader
Pygmalia's Sweetheart
FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chocolatedream
FI UCH Builder's Azalea
Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-02 / Page updated 2 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024