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Stamtavla för springer spaniel / Pedigree for springer spaniel
Efter/Sire: Spring Creek's Fiedler
Undan/Dam: Raysing's Bath Time Fun Barbie

Spring Creek's Fiedler KBH V-95 WW-94 KBH V-94 NORD UCH INT UCH Whisborne Devil in Disquise NO UCH Inu-Goya Summer Blues NO UCH Inu-Goya Autumn Dew Freeway Indian Summer
NO UCH Cleavehill Hunting Habit
NO UCH Travis Aelia GB CH Cliffhill Julius
NO UCH Silveroak Ysenne
NO UCH INT UCH Melverly Uptown Girl GB SHCH Graftonbury Genghis Khan GB SHCH Monclare Mr Chips
GB SHCH Hawkhill High Society of Lawnwood
Tallulah of Melverly GB SHCH Ackiltie Morton at Sandale
Melverly Virginia Plain
SE V-96 NORD V-95 WW-94 KBH V-94 DK UCH FI UCH Saxdalens Lady Lafayette WW-91 KBH V-92 WW-89 KBH V-89 NORD UCH Strathnaver Barley Wine GB SHCH Bowswood Barley Corn GB SHCH Bowswood Botany Bay
Bowswood Bittersweet
Dallowgill Wood Wych GB SHCH Teesview Top Notch
Cleavehill Funny Girl of Dallowgill
DK UCH INT UCH Revirets Gloria of Shannon NO UCH Crepello of Classicway GB SHCH Teesview Twister
GB SHCH Hawkhill Riding Low
Revirets Sunwise SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 Cliffhill Gossips Fieldday
Revirets Sunshine
Raysing's Bath Time Fun Barbie Barecho Fame and Fortune Jester's Dancin' Dirty US CH Jester's Electric Horseman Cd US CH Filicia's Woodlyn Poet
US CH Jester's Whirlwind
US CH Jester's Lil' Limerick US CH Filicia's Woodlyn Poet
US CH Jester's Woodlyn De Gegar
DK UCH Nobhill Sheza Love Story FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chance NORD UCH INT UCH CA CH Salilyns Passkey
FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chocolatedream
Springdale Impressivedream NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Cairis Little-Big-Man
NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Living Dream
Charleswood Mae West Gramp's Grande Edition US CH Cambrian's Shadow Boxer US CH Jester's Jack-In-The-Box
US CH Salilyn's Prima Donna
US CH Harky's Yankee Lady Do US CH Somerset-Saga's Sirius
Cambrian's First Lady
Charleswood Cool-Coffee Adamant's Tom Collins FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chance
FI UCH FI JCH Hightide S Prelude
Windsongs Bruna Böna SE UCH FI UCH FI BCH Willowbank's Bolero
SE UCH Windsongs Dollarprincess Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-03 / Page updated 3 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025