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Stamtavla för springer spaniel / Pedigree for springer spaniel
Efter/Sire: Whisborne Real Deal
Undan/Dam: Whisborne Summer Rapsody

Whisborne Real Deal NO UCH Inu-Goya Appealing Image NO V-90 NO UCH NO V-89 NO V-88 Inu-Goya Chorus Boy GB SHCH Bowswood Barley Corn GB SHCH Bowswood Botany Bay
Bowswood Bittersweet
NO UCH Coorigil Silhouette Tumbling Waters
GB SHCH Coorigil Charisma
NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Eye Appeal FI UCH Inu-Goya Antaeus NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Brigadoon New Generation of York
NO UCH Cleavhill National Velvet
FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Touch of Chance FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chance
FI UCH FI JCH Hightide S Prelude
Adamant's Special Colours KBH V-95 WW-94 KBH V-94 NORD UCH INT UCH Whisborne Devil in Disquise NO UCH Inu-Goya Summer Blues NO UCH Inu-Goya Autumn Dew
NO UCH Travis Aelia
NO UCH INT UCH Melverly Uptown Girl GB SHCH Graftonbury Genghis Khan
Tallulah of Melverly
EE CH FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Rose D'amore FI SPCH FI V-93 FI UCH Hippopotamus NORD UCH INT UCH Inu-Goya Mountain Crest
FI UCH Springdale Life Style
NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Eye Appeal FI UCH Inu-Goya Antaeus
FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Touch of Chance
Whisborne Summer Rapsody SE U(U)CH NO UCH Whisborne Inferno SE U(U)CH Melverly Mystery Maker Clanach Crown Destiny AU CH Clanach Union Jack
AU CH Clanach Crown N Scepter
SE U(U)CH Melverly Mystery Girl NZ CH AU CH GB SHCH Chuan Chablais at Lyndora
GB SHCH Melverly Lois Lane
EUW-97 KBH V-97 WW-98 NORD V-99 SE U(U)CH NO UCH Whisborne Poco Loco NO UCH Inu-Goya Custom Cruiser NO UCH Inu-Goya Appealing Image
NO UCH Hazelwoods Geisha at Inu-Goya
Whisborne Intermesso KBH V-95 WW-94 KBH V-94 NORD UCH INT UCH Whisborne Devil in Disquise
NO UCH INT UCH Melverly Uptown Girl
Adamant's Special Colours KBH V-95 WW-94 KBH V-94 NORD UCH INT UCH Whisborne Devil in Disquise NO UCH Inu-Goya Summer Blues NO UCH Inu-Goya Autumn Dew
NO UCH Travis Aelia
NO UCH INT UCH Melverly Uptown Girl GB SHCH Graftonbury Genghis Khan
Tallulah of Melverly
EE CH FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Rose D'amore FI SPCH FI V-93 FI UCH Hippopotamus NORD UCH INT UCH Inu-Goya Mountain Crest
FI UCH Springdale Life Style
NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Eye Appeal FI UCH Inu-Goya Antaeus
FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Touch of Chance Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-02 / Page updated 2 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024