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Stamtavla för springer spaniel / Pedigree for springer spaniel
Efter/Sire: Gamekeeper's Sputnik
Undan/Dam: Konungsunds Kasandra

Gamekeeper's Sputnik Gamekeeper's Jack The Knight The Alexander Av Simmatorp NO UCH Inu-Goya Private Collection NO UCH Inu-Goya Summer Blues
Freeway Season of Mists
Dark Lady Jessie Av Simmatorp NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Cairis Little-Big-Man
Ruel's Celebrity Av Simmatorp
Inu-Goya Pure Velvet NORD V-86 NO UCH Hazelwoods Red Buccaneer NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Hurricane of Skyway
Hazelwoods Littel Big Girl
Inu-Goya Highway Queen NO V-90 NO UCH NO V-89 NO V-88 Inu-Goya Chorus Boy
NO UCH Cleavhill National Velvet
Gamekeeper's Helena Cleavehill John Gunn Frenchgate Marcus GB CH Teesview Titus
Frenchgate Fleur-De-Lis
Cleavehill Trickie Situation GB SHCH Cleavehill Huckleberry Finn
Teesview Pandoras Box of Tricks
Sweet Scented Av Simmatorp Inu-Goya Seasoning GB SHCH Bowswood Barley Corn
NO UCH Coorigil Silhouette
Dark Lady Jessie Av Simmatorp NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Cairis Little-Big-Man
Ruel's Celebrity Av Simmatorp
Konungsunds Kasandra SE U(U)CH Mistily's Wizard From Oz KBH V-95 WW-94 KBH V-94 NORD UCH INT UCH Whisborne Devil in Disquise NO UCH Inu-Goya Summer Blues NO UCH Inu-Goya Autumn Dew
NO UCH Travis Aelia
NO UCH INT UCH Melverly Uptown Girl GB SHCH Graftonbury Genghis Khan
Tallulah of Melverly
Beeline Gilly's Bittersweet NO UCH SE V-89 Nobhill Brightest Chance FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Chance
Centennial's Gillyflower SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH NORD V-78 Cliffhill Gossips Fieldday
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Revirets Mary Celeste
Deming's Tempting Tess NO UCH Inu-Goya Custom Cruiser NO UCH Inu-Goya Appealing Image NO V-90 NO UCH NO V-89 NO V-88 Inu-Goya Chorus Boy
NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Adamant's Eye Appeal
NO UCH Hazelwoods Geisha at Inu-Goya KBH V-95 WW-94 KBH V-94 NORD UCH INT UCH Whisborne Devil in Disquise
NO UCH Inu-Goya Royal Ballet
SE VCH Nimblewhit Chanty Dream LP Brigadoon Cloud's Chanty Teesview Tartan Tantalos
Brigadoon J Silver Cloud
NO V-91-93 NO UCH INT UCH Brigadoon Scarlet's Nimblewit NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Brigadoon New Generation of York
Brigadoon Traveller's Scarlet Sidan uppdaterad 2025-02-03 / Page updated 3 Feb 2025:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2025-01-27 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 27 Jan 2025