Information om Welsh Springer spaniel från

Registrerade kullar 1977

Kull född EfterUndanHanarTikar
1977-12-20 Himledalens Efraim Pencelli Pendula 1 5
1977-11-29 Bryn of Tarbay Fendie 3 4
1977-11-06 Chiltern Haig of Huttons Maroons Fuchsia 3 4
1977-10-12 Himledalens Magnus Maroons Funny 4 2
1977-08-06 Chiltern Haig of Huttons Triggers Cayenne 2 3
1977-07-26 Himledalens Teodor Markants Rosaleen 2 4
1977-07-24 Triggers Drambuie Triggers Cinnamon 6 2
1977-07-17 Dalati Cai Dalati Anian 3 2
1977-07-13 Dalati Cai Maroons Koppelia 3 5
1977-07-05 Chiltern Haig of Huttons Himledalens Elena 7 1
1977-06-20 Himledalens Magnus Connie 2 3
1977-06-15 Hubbestads Cockroach Bessie Blakney 4 4
1977-06-12 Dalati Dyma Fi Corydons Honeybee 5 5
1977-05-24 Richard of Brent Corydons Gunsmoke 5 3
1977-05-11 Himledalens Patrik Vindhäxan's Carmen 2 4
1977-05-08 Richard of Brent Huzzas Undine 3 4
1977-05-05imp Dewi of Tregwillym Maid of Henllys 1
1977-04-26 Bruce Fan It Nonnepad Beyaz Corine Corina 5 5
1977-04-23 Richard of Brent Huzzas Sasa 3 4
1977-03-28 Bruce Fan It Nonnepad Brave Duchess 3
Kull född EfterUndanHanarTikar
1977-03-13 Richard of Brent Lillan 5 3
1977-03-10 Himledalens Magnus Maroons Funny 2 4
1977-03-09 Richard of Brent Huzzas Tina 3 4
1977-02-13 Huzzas Ulysses Hubbestad W Campari 4 1
1977-02-10 Corydon's Despot Rebbeca of Basildon 1
1977-02-04 Chiltern Haig of Huttons Himledalens Katja 2 6
1977-01-31 Chiltern Haig of Huttons Triggers Bonny Lass 2 2
1977-01-19 Dalati Cai Barbarella 2 7 Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-04 / Page updated 4 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024