Information om Welsh Springer spaniel från

Registrerade kullar 1978

Kull född EfterUndanHanarTikar
1978-12-30 Caruso Himledalens Angelika 1 3
1978-12-25 Clumbrold's Beauregard Himledalens Petra 2 4
1978-12-22 Huzzas Walle Shallot 2 6
1978-12-01 Welsh Guide of Tregwillym Himledalens Margot 4 5
1978-11-22 Triggers Dixon Triggers Cayenne 4 2
1978-11-16 Himledalens Birger Maroons Ruby 4
1978-10-25 Maroons Rusty Dalati Anian 1 3
1978-10-14 Dalati Cai Maroons Koppelia 4 4
1978-08-31imp Progress of Pencelli Pencelli Annwyl 1
1978-08-16 Triggers Echo Himledalens Katja 4 1
1978-08-10 Triggers Echo Himledalens Ofelia 3 3
1978-08-07 Triggers Echo Maroons Fuchsia 5 3
1978-08-01 Chiltern Haig of Huttons Hassleholms Alba 6 1
1978-07-25 Triggers Echo Hassleholms Abba 3 2
1978-07-22 Triggers Echo Himledalens Elena 3 5
1978-07-15imp Goldsprings Gunflint Goldsprings Bright Amber 1
1978-07-04 Clumbrold's Beauregard Cokette 5 4
1978-06-26 Tintin Hubbestad W Campari 5 1
1978-06-23imp Goldsprings Gunflint Paula Girl of Pencelli 1
1978-06-01 Huzzas Ulysses Babett 5 1
Kull född EfterUndanHanarTikar
1978-05-19 Triggers Echo Triggers Bang 3 6
1978-05-03 Himledalens Ulrik Himledalens Renee 3 2
1978-05-02 Bruce Fan It Nonnepad Triggers Bonny Lass 1
1978-04-14 Dalati Cai Dalati Arlun 4 2
1978-04-14 Artmaster of Tregwillym Amanda of Tregwillym 3 4
1978-04-13 Triggers Echo Himledalens Petra 3 3
1978-04-11 Dalati Cai Dalati Eos 5 2
1978-04-08 Welsh Guide of Tregwillym Clumbrold's Beaubelle 3 2
1978-04-06 Artmaster of Tregwillym Tregwillym Winifride 3 3
1978-03-26 Welsh Guide of Tregwillym Bettina 3 2
1978-03-22 Bruce Fan It Nonnepad Corydons Eliza 7 2
1978-02-20 Triggers Drambuie Triggers Cinnamon 3 1
1978-01-01 Himledalens Teodor Himledalens Ami 3 6 Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-04 / Page updated 4 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024