Information om Welsh Springer spaniel från

Registrerade kullar 1981

Kull född EfterUndanHanarTikar
1981-12-30 Triggers Echo Jazz 2 3
1981-12-06 Himledalens Stanley Himledalens Elena 2 3
1981-11-06 Pencelli Mwyn Himledalens Renee 4 6
1981-11-05imp Hillpark Mr Polly Hillpark Reverie 1
1981-09-27 Triggers Drambuie Hassleholms Candy 3 1
1981-08-13 Triggers Echo Triggers Just Me 3 4
1981-08-03 Clumbrolds Purpurdöd Welshlove 6 1
1981-07-21 Himledalens Kolumbus Vindhäxan's Carmen 2 1
1981-07-10 Clumbrold's Beauregard Luckie 3 3
1981-06-16 Envoy Clumbrold's Beaubelle 1 2
1981-06-08 Hillpark Rufus Goldsprings Penelope 3 2
1981-06-02 Triggers Oliver Afrodite 3 1
1981-06-02 Himledalens Hilmer Freda 3 3
1981-05-13 Triggers Echo Gritty S Luminary 1
1981-05-09 Triggers Echo Triggers Cayenne 3 1
1981-05-02 Triggers Drambuie Himledalens Felicia 4 1
1981-04-21 Himledalens Balder Himledalens Hedvig 3 3
1981-04-11 Triggers Mascot Triggers Hazel 3 3
1981-04-08 Tintin Fantasia 4 3
1981-03-22 Bruce Fan It Nonnepad Huzzas Xenia 3 3
Kull född EfterUndanHanarTikar
1981-03-19 Bryn of Tarbay Dalati Eos 4 1
1981-03-03 Pencelli Seren Pencelli Pendula 1
1981-03-02 Maroons Cedric Maroons Portia 2 3
1981-02-20 Richard of Brent Himledalens Petra 1 4
1981-02-01 Maroons Ludwig Carissima 2 4
1981-01-23 Tintin Vindhäxan's Ella-Babydoll 2 2
1981-01-23 Himledalens Jonas Himledalens Johanna 3 2
1981-01-21 Maroons Sherlock Keepsake Diva 1
1981-01-10 Triggers Echo Keepsake Belladonna 4 2 Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-04 / Page updated 4 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024