Information om Welsh Springer spaniel från Information om SSRK:s raser från

Stamtavla för welsh springer spaniel / Pedigree for welsh springer spaniel
Efter/Sire: Buumin Cool As A Cucumber
Undan/Dam: Eastfarm's Phoebe

Buumin Cool As A Cucumber SE U(U)CH Ta Wei's Repris SE U(U)CH Hammalgårdens A Dream Come True SE U(U)CH Hammalgårdens Dream On Hillcrofts Midas The Real Pearl
SE VCH SE U(U)CH NO UCH Hammalgårdens Nothing to Declare
SE U(U)CH Hammalgårdens Ain't She Sweet LPI Hammalgårdens Fast Eddie
Hammalgårdens Little Surfer Girl
Pia SE VCH SE U(U)CH NO UCH Smörsoppens Bernardh SE U(U)CH Trigger Attention Please
Smörsoppens Alice
Irmun's Ulrikke Sady SE U(U)CH NO UCH Merry One's Fishermans Friend
Irmun's Petit Harvest Pearl
NORD JV-09 FI V-09 SE U(U)CH FI UCH Benton Yale Graduate FI UCH Standard-Bearer Gladiator NO UCH FI UCH Benton Lookin' For Duck SE U(U)CH Don's Tt
NORD V-00 NORD V-01 NORD V-02 NO UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Benton Garden Party
FI UCH Standard-Bearer Olympia Hammalgårdens in Your Dreams
FI UCH Twist and Flirt
Benton Reason to Talk ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Eastfarm's Phoebe Cheddarhill Alfie Asker NORD V-07 SE V-08 SE U(U)CH WW-08 NO UCH FI UCH Benton One More Duck Arkview Moon Stroller GB SHCH Kazval Bandito
Menstonia Must Be Magic For Arkview
NORD V-00 NORD V-01 NORD V-02 NO UCH NORD UCH INT UCH Benton Garden Party WW-98 Rwyn Lucky Luke
FI UCH Don's Take Off to Benton
LV CH LT CH EE CH C.I.B. RU CH Dimmös Bessie Smith Don's Tandoori Weslave Wild Card
Don's Tesoro
SE U(U)CH Dimmös Josefina Don's Coq Rouge
Dalsvedens Ylleflicka
Eastfarm's Kiss Me Goodbye Eastfarm's Blue Seven Seas JEUW-97 KBH JV-97 NO V-98 NORD V-98 SE V-99 SE U(U)CH Don's Två Solröda Segel Don's Coq Rouge
SE U(U)CH Don's Treasure
SE U(U)CH NO UCH FI UCH INT UCH Don's Top of The Pops Weslave Wild Card
Don's Tesoro
Goldmaid Wild Encounter Goldmaid Strike Me Wild ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg:
Slyvkin Tosca ej reg/not reg:
ej reg/not reg: Sidan uppdaterad 2024-11-04 / Page updated 4 Nov 2024:
Information från Svenska Kennelklubben 2024-10-21 / Information from the Swedish Kennel Club 21 Oct 2024